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書城自編碼: 3674204
作者: M. A. K. Halliday,Christian Ma
國際書號(ISBN): 9787521328950
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2021-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 120.8



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M. A. K. 韩礼德(M. A. K. Halliday),英国当代语言学家,世界两大主要语言学派之一的系统功能语言学的创始人,世界语言学界的杰出代表和语言大师。他的语言学框架在当代国外语言学与应用语言学界具有广泛和深远影响。
CONTENTSPreface xxxiPart I The Clause 11 The architecture of language 31.1 Text and grammar 31.2 Phonology and grammar 111.3 Basic concepts for the study of language 191.4 The location of grammar in language; the role of the corpus 312 Towards a functional grammar 372.1 Towards a grammatical analysis 372.2 The lexico-grammar cline 432.3 Grammaticalization 462.4 Grammar and the corpus 482.5 Classes and functions 502.6 Subject, Actor, Theme 532.7 Three lines of meaning in the clause 583 Clause as message 643.1 Theme and Rheme 643.2 Group or phrase complexes as Theme; thematic equatives 683.3 Theme and mood 713.4 Textual, interpersonal and topical Themes 793.5 The information unit; Given + New 873.6 Given + New and Theme + Rheme 933.7 Predicated themes 953.8 Theme in bound, minor and elliptical clauses 983.9 Thematic interpretation of a text 1004 Clause as exchange 1064.1 The nature of dialogue 1064.2 The Mood element 1114.3 Other elements of Mood structure 1214.4 MOOD as system; further options 1344.5 Polarity and modality 1434.6 Absence of elements of the modal structure 1514.7 Clause as Subject 1544.8 Texts 1585 Clause as representation 1685.1 Modelling experience of change 1685.2 Material clauses: processes of doing-and-happening 1795.3 Mental clauses: processes of sensing 1975.4 Relational clauses: processes of being and having 2105.5 Other process types: summary of process types 2485.6 Circumstantial elements 2595.7 Transitivity and voice: another interpretation 2805.8 Text illustrations 303Part II Above, Below and Beyond the Clause 3076 Below the clause: groups and phrases 3096.1 Groups and phrases 3096.2 Nominal group 3116.3 Verbal group 3356.4 Adverbial group, conjunction group, preposition group 3546.5 Prepositional phrase 3596.6 Word classes and group functions 3617 Above the clause: the clause complex 3637.1 The notion of ‘clause complex’ 3637.2 Types of relationship between clauses 3737.3 TAXIS: parataxis and hypotaxis 3837.4 Elaborating, extending, enhancing: three kinds of expansion 3957.5 Reports, ideas and facts: three kinds of projection 4417.6 Clause complex and tone 4827.7 Texts 4848 Group and phrase complexes 4868.1 Overview of complexing at group or phrase rank 4868.2 Parataxis: groups and phrases 4898.3 Hypotaxis: nominal group 4938.4 Hypotaxis: adverbial group or prepositional phrase 4958.5 Hypotaxis: verbal group, expansion (1): general 4978.6 Hypotaxis: verbal group, expansion (2): passives 5058.7 Hypotaxis: verbal group, expansion (3): causative 5098.8 Hypotaxis: verbal group, projection 5158.9 Logical organization: complexes at clause and group or phrase rank, and groups 5219 Around the clause: cohesion and discourse 5249.1 The concept of text; logogenetic patterns 5249.2 The lexicogrammatical resources of COHESION 5329.3 Conjunction 5389.4 Reference 5499.5 Ellipsis and substitution 5619.6 Lexical cohesion 5709.7 The creation of texture 57910 Beyond the clause: metaphorical modes of expression 58610.1 Lexicogrammar and semantics 58610.2 Semantic domains 59310.3 Modality 61310.4 Interpersonal metaphor: metaphors of mood 62610.5 Ideational metaphors 636References 659Index 667



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