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『英文書』MYTH OF EXCELLENCE, THE(ISBN=9780609810019)

書城自編碼: 1903086
作者: Fred
國際書號(ISBN): 9780609810019
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2003-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 251/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 234.6



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From Library Journal
Crawford and Mathews, marketing consultants with Cap Gemini Ernst
Young CGEY and FirstMatter, respectively, break down
marketing into five attributes: access, experience, price, product,
and service. They argue that successful businesses are those that
excel in one of these areas, are good in another, and are at least
average in the rest. Wal-Mart, they say, is dominant on price and
maintains a good selection of products, while Target excels at
product selection and
Ex?cel?lence n. 1. The clearly false and destructive theory
that a company ought to be great at everything it does. 2. A
mistaken goal in which the predictable outcome is that the company
ends up world-class at nothing—not well-differentiated and
therefore not thought of by consumers at the moment of need.
Based on exhaustive research, The Myth of Excellence provides
conclusive evidence of the futility of trying to be excellent in
all aspects of a commercial transaction—price, product, access,
experience, and service. Instead, the strategy for your products
and services should be to dominate on one element, differentiate on
a second, and be at industry par i.e., average on the rest. Yes,
it is okay to be average as long as your customers know
specifically where and how you are superior and world-class.
FRED CRAWFORD is executive vice president and global sector
leader of Cap Gemini Ernst Young''s consumer products, retail,
and distribution consulting practice. From his base in New York
City he travels the globe working with senior executives on how to
reach today''s elusive consumer.
RYAN MATHEWS is a principal at FirstMatter LLC, a leading
futurist firm that works with companies such as Procter
Gamble, Unilever, Grey Advertising, General Motors,
Georgia-Pacific, and Coca-Cola to anticipate the trends shaping
corporate America, global business, and e-commerce.
From the Hardcover edition.



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