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『英文書』INSTANT BEAUTY(ISBN=9781578262595)

書城自編碼: 1922393
作者: Steven
國際書號(ISBN): 9781578262595
出版日期: 2008-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 277/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 248.2



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A guide to the top ten minimally invasive cosmetic procedures,
from Botox to lasers to peels, which can help you look younger
quickly and safely
No one likes to hear this, but we have only .01 second to make a
first impression. But what''s the best way to look good? Makeup,
hairstyles, and clothing--not to mention a friendly smile--can of
course make a big difference, but for the thousands of Americans
who would like an extra edge, nonsurgical cosmetic procedures are
the answer.
But which procedures really work? How safe are they? And are they
worth the time and money? From Botox to microdermabrasion to lasers
to chemical peels, there are so many choices that it can be hard to
tell what''s hype and what''s helpful. In Instant Beauty, prominent
Chicago cosmetic surgeon Steven Dayan, M.D., gives readers an
easy-to-use no-nonsense guide to the top ten nonsurgical
procedures, grading each for safety, effectiveness, and value. He
explains the claims and the realities for each treatment, and lets
you know exactly what to expect so that you can make the decision
about what treatments are right for you.
In addition, Dr. Dayan gives sound advice on the best treatments
for every age and every condition, and teaches readers what to look
for in a cosmetic physician. He also briefly describes common
surgical procedures, and clearly indicates who should and should
not get each treatment.
Instant Beauty is a straightforward and comprehensive guide for
anyone interested in taking advantage of the remarkable
breakthroughs in medical technology to look and feel better and
younger--at any age!
Steven H. Dayan, M.D., is a certified member of the American
Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the
American Board of Otolaryngology. A clinical assistant professor at
the University of Illinois, he speaks both nationally and
internationally, actively participates in clinial research, and
serves on the editorial board of the Facial Plastic Surgery
Journal. He also writes a column for the Chicago news periodical,
Healthcare Times, and has been featured on CNN in addition to local
news affiliates NBC, FOX, WGN and ABC. A graduate from the
University of Illinois Medical School, he now runs a successful
private practice in Chicago, founded the nonprofit organization
Beauty Within and Chicago Image, and serves as a consultant for
Botox and Restylane.
How to Use This Book
Part I: Foundations of Beauty
Chapter 1: You have .01 Seconds to Make a First Impression–Are You
Chapter 2: The Magic Three of Self-Care–Sleep, Nutrition, and
Chapter 3: Lotions, Potions, and Creams–A Plan for Beautiful
Chapter 4: How Your Cosmetic Doctor Sees You–A
Chapter 5: Beauty at Any Age–What to Do in Your Twenties, Thirties,
Forties, and Beyond
Chapter 6: How to Have a Beautiful Time–What to Do Before a Big
Chapter 7: How to Find the Right Cosmetic Physician or Other
Practitioner–Fifteen Questions You Should Ask
Chapter 8: Beware the Latest and Greatest–About the FDA Approval
Part II: The Problems
Brown Spots
Eyes Dark Circles, Puffy Eyelids
Hair Removal
Lip Augmentation
Sagging Skin
Scar Revision
Spider Veins
Tattoo Removal
Part III: The Procedures
Chemical Peels
RFThermage and Heat-Generating Devices
Cellulite Reduction
Conclusion: Bringing it Together
Appendix A: A Word About Common Plastic Surgery
Appendix B: How to get Free Treatments: Enrolling in Studies
Resource Guide
Selected Bibliography



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