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新書上架簡體書 繁體書
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『簡體書』柏林快车(第4级 适合高一、高二)剑桥双语分级阅读 小说馆

書城自編碼: 2959150
作者: 迈克尔·奥斯汀 [Michael Austen], 李艳
國際書號(ISBN): 9787561948064
出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 163页
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 27.3



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《 剪纸里的民间故事绘本·年的传说 》

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质量-I即安全-II : 两个管理体系的整合
《 质量-I即安全-II : 两个管理体系的整合 》

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《 瑜伽体式解剖涂色书 》

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《 符号里的中国 》

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HK$ 27.3
《 屋下爱情(第4级 适合高一、高二)剑桥双语分级阅读 小说馆 》

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《 剑桥双语分级阅读小说馆:死亡诊断(第4级 适合高一、高二) 》

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《 相守(第4级 适合高一、高二)剑桥双语分级阅读 小说馆 》

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《 情定湖区(第4级 适合高一、高二)剑桥双语分级阅读 小说馆 》

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《 意外人生(第4级 适合高一、高二)剑桥双语分级阅读 小说馆 》

HK$ 28.2
《 校园谜案(第4级 适合高一、高二)剑桥双语分级阅读 小说馆 》
迈克尔奥斯汀(Michael Austen),作家、英语语言教育专家,从事英语教学与研究工作数十年,曾在不同国家任教。目前,他除了英语教学外,还参与试题编写与语言测试,并热衷于英语写作,先后出版过多部英语读物。
People in the story/故事中的人物
Places in the story/故事中的地点
Before reading/读前思考
Chapter 1 The past and the future/过去与将来
Chapter 2 Ameeting with a shark/遇见鲨鱼
Chapter 3 An amusing mistake/有趣的错误
Chapter 4 A helping hand/只援手
Chapter 5 A difficult decision/艰难的决定
Chapter 6 A visit to the police station/到访警察局
Chapter 7 Painful thoughts/痛苦的思考
Chapter 8 A little bit of sightseeing/稍作游览
Chapter 9 The safe house/安全房子
Chapter 10 Escape!/逃跑
Chapter 11 The eye of the storm/暴风眼
Chapter 12 Avoice in the ear/耳边的声音
Chapter 13 Last hope!/最后的希望!
Chapter 14 Inside the Hotel Adlon/进入阿德隆宾馆
Chapter 15 A little bit of Schubert/初识舒伯特
Chapter 16 A visit from the priest/牧师的到访
Chapter 17 A surprise visitor/意外的访客
Chapter 18 A note of thanks/表示感谢的便条
Chapter 19 A friendly word of advice/友好的建议
After reading/读后活动
Learning guide/学习指导
The man looked confused.''You don''t speak German?''
''No,'' Hiro said.
The man narrowed his eyes.''But you work here?''
Hiro felt weak at the knees.He''d forgotten the white jacket and the sheets he was carrying; now he couldn''t think how to explain them.''No, I''m a student,'' he said quietly.''But I must see the man in this room, Mr Schmidt.I have some important information for him.''
Immediately the man''s body became tight.''I think you''d better tell me first.I''m a colleague of Mr Schmidt.''
Hiro didn''t know what to say.
''Well, I''m waiting,'' the man went on.
Hiro wasn''t sure if he could trust the man.But there was no time to decide.Hiro had to give an explanation.''I came to see Mr Schmidt because ...'' he began, then stopped.''Well, his life might be in danger.''
Now the man''s eyes became very sharp.''We''d better talk about this in my room,'' he said after a moment.His voice made it clear that Hiro shouldn''t argue.
The man stood back and let Hiro go past into the room.As soon as they were both inside, the man shut the door quickly and looked through the eyehole to the corridor outside.
''Please sit down,'' the man said, turning back to Hiro.
Hiro dropped the sheets behind the door and chose the nearest chair.
The man continued immediately.''OK, you say you''re a student''?'' He didn''t sit down or wait for an answer.''So,what information do you have for Mr Schmidt?''
''I was on the train to Berlin,'' Hiro began, his voice shaking.''By accident I looked at another man''s phone and read a message two messages, in fact.They talked about an assignment here in this hotel in Room 319 this evening



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