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書城自編碼: 2900899
作者: 《青春美文》编辑部
國際書號(ISBN): 9787215103931
出版社: 河南人民出版社
出版日期: 2016-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 224/180
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 34.2



** 我創建的書架 **

樊树志作品:重写明晚史系列(全6册 崇祯传+江南市镇的早期城市化+明史十二讲+图文中国史+万历传+国史十六讲修订版)
《 樊树志作品:重写明晚史系列(全6册 崇祯传+江南市镇的早期城市化+明史十二讲+图文中国史+万历传+国史十六讲修订版) 》

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HK$ 14.8
* 青春、澄净的双语爱情故事,愿我们记住爱的样子。
002 拂晓前的情书
A Love Letter Before Dawn

012 洛河镇的薄荷少年
The Mint Boy in Luohe Town

022 愿世界始终待你温柔
Hope the World Always Treats You Gently

028 北方的蜗牛想念江南
The Northern Snail Missed Jiangnan

040 他会发光,为她发光
He Would Glow, and Glow for Her

050 我喜欢你,就已经很美
That I Like You, is Beautiful Enough

062 初告白
Initial Love Confession

068 那时雪下
The Snow at That Time

072 遇见你的感觉像春天
Feels Like Spring

078 小情书
The Little Love Letter

088 蝴蝶飞走了
The Butterfly Flied Away

098 我思念的少年和城市在远方
The Boy and the City I Longed for in the

104 五月有你,花开茶靡
Love Ended in May

112 你在我心上,旅过春与冬
You Traveled Through Spring to Winter in My

124 是谁枯坐窗前,怀念峡谷
Who Sits in Front of the Window and Misses
the Canyon

130 孤岛深处有春风
Spring Breeze in Depth of the Isolated

138 你是穿耳而过的风
You Are The Breeze Brushing By My Ears

148 我们曾彼此温暖,而今散落天涯
We Once Warmed Each Other And Now Scattered
All Over

154 他曾来过,抵得上所有的结尾
He Has Been Here Before, And It Worth All
Kinds of Endings

158 滚轴浪漫曲
Roller Romance

162 哼一首歌,念一个人
Hum a Tune and Miss a Person

168 习惯
The Habit

178 最好的初遇
The Perfect First Encounter

188 气球终会化纸鸢
Finally the Balloon Turned into a Kite

194 少年乘风去
The Boy Gone with the Wind

202 像离人忘了归期
Just Like the Departed People Who Forget


The Mint Boy in
Luohe Town
Miss Xiangshu

It is an early summer. On an old
street at a jelly shop, Jiang Jing is enjoying a bowl of bean jelly. Leaves
hanging high on the phoenix tree, some fall onto the plain table, some beside
the white porcelain bowl filled with bean jelly. All of a sudden, he thinks of
Su Sha. They have known each other for years. Su Sha sometimes could be as
quiet as a piece of wood, but when she went cycling she could be as fast as a
greased lightning. Years ago, she used to sit in front of him, both in their
young ages, uttering no words but full on their minds.
And today, Jiang Jing is sitting
under the phoenix tree alone eating the bean jelly, as if he wants to fill up
the memories of the past few years. The familiar food would be the best
nostalgia for the past. It has been years since he came back to Luohe Town.
There is a river called Luo
River running through the town. Hence the name of the town is Luohe Town. Jiang
Jing lived in the south part. His parents were away most of the year. He and
his grandma kept one small grocery store. He has known Su Sha since childhood.
His home was just a few blocks away from hers.
To Su Sha, the memory of Jiang
Jing was like the memory of Luo River to Luohe Town, long lasting. One summer
day, she went to shop at the small grocery shop owned by Jiang Jings family by
herself. Jiang Jing was doing homework at the counter. A yellow kitten was
lying beside his workbook, curling in a roll. Everything seemed still at that
moment. That image has been embedded in her mind for years.
Jiang Jing and Su Sha only
started to get to know each other after middle school; they were assigned to
the same class. Every morning, Jiang Jing would bike past Su Shas home and
call her name. Then Su Sha would push her bike out with her backpack and join
him to cycle together to Luohe Middle School in the north.
Every evening after school, they
would company each other home. At that time, Su Sha was apparently a bit taller
than Jiang Jing. He looked thin and weak beside her. Girls that age always
outgrew their peer boys.
Jiang Jing, how come you are so
short? Su Sha asked him curiously while riding the
Its none of
your business! Jiang Jing shouted. Frankly, sometimes
he couldnt help wondering about the same question. Su
Sha, her thin body covered in the warm setting sun, rode the bike so fast as a
swift swallow. Jiang Jing was looking at her and couldnt help laughing. He started to speed up following Su Shas lead.
After the final test of middle
school, Jiang Jing went to the coastal city to visit his parents for the summer
by train. When he came back to Luohe Town, he was no longer that thin boy.
Jiang Jing rode by Su Shas home,
calling her name from the yard as usual. When Su Sha opened the door and looked
up, she saw him as a white poplar tree standing against the wind, tall and
straight. Suddenly somewhere in Su Shas heart
fluttered a bit.
Lets ride
to take a look at our school. Jiang Jing said. And this shell is for you. His voice was
low but gentle, like the breeze along the river. He opened his hand and there
lay a small milk white shell, with its surface full of fine complex patterns.
Alright. Su
Sha replied and picked up that small shell from his palm.
During their senior high, they
still companied each other in freshman year. Su Sha would ride the bike and
listen to him talking about the beach and tides in the coastal city. Jiang Jing
told her he would sometimes take the bus to the last stop and walk along the
highway to the beach. He would wander around the beach by himself, with his
ankles merged under the seawater.
After the second year, they have
grown apart into separate paths, no long close like before. Jiang Jing, like
the rest of the teenage boys, lost himself in games, Internet bars and
billiards, confused and arrogant. Cutting school and fights seemed so common as
daily life. Su Sha sometimes would see his name on the school bulletin.
Since then, Su Sha started to
ride home alone. As she passed by the shop and Luo River, the morning river was
as quiet as her.
One day, Su Sha went shopping at
Jiang Jings store. His grandma asked, Why Jiang Jing
is not here together with you? He always arrives home late recently, what is he
busy with?
He might be busy with school work. Su Sha answered. She lifted the paw of the kitten and touched its
I dont know
how his grades are... Jiang Jings grandma started mumbling. Su Sha had to think about how to phrase
and talked about some of his status in contempt.
All of a sudden, Jiang Jing
showed up out of nowhere. He grinned and asked Su Sha whether she was talking
bad about him to his grandma. Su Sha looked up and saw Jiang Jing standing in
front of her, like a tree. He was still with his bike, with a clean and bright
smile on his face. He has grown even taller. Su Sha could only reach to the
height of his chest. As the setting sun shined from his back, along with a kind
and familiar smile. Su Sha suddenly felt warmth in her heart. A kettle of wine
has been brewed in Su Shas mind, a kettle filled with love for a person in her
young age, clean and beautiful.
It was one summer evening and Su
Sha was riding home in the sunset. From afar around the corner she saw Jiang
Jing with his bike stopped in front of Mo Xiaoxiao, the campus belle. Su Sha
wasnt able to hear what he said, but she could hear Mo Xiaoxiaos clear and melodious giggles. Mo was in the same grade, and almost
everyone in Luohe Middle School knew her.
Mo Xiaoxiao wasnt wearing the
school uniform; instead she was in a pure white cotton dress, like a blooming
jasmine, clean and enchanting. She walked like a melody. She was the beauty in
many boys eyes, so was in Jiang Jings.
Su Sha looked at her outworn
oversized school uniform. All of a sudden, she felt ashamed of herself and her
awkward appearance. Not even the summer setting sun could warm her cold heart.
She forgot about riding, and let the inertia carried her bike forward. These
ten seconds felt like one hour long.
Meanwhile, Jiang Jing lowered
his head, with a few hair from his bangs clung to his forehead due to sweats.
He tipped his feet rubbing the fallen leaves as if he wanted to dig a hole out
of the ground to release his young love joy.

Su Sha only then stepped hard
and pedaled past them. As she turned into an alley, the feeling of
disappointment flooded her mind.
The kitten went missing the same
summer. Jiang Jing and grandma looked for days and gradually stopped talking
about it. Su Sha only found out about the kitten gone missing one month later,
as she hasnt visited their store for a while. She missed that kitten somehow,
and the old Jiang Jing who was writing homework at the counter many years ago.
Nowadays, there was nothing but some bottles and containers at the counter. And
finally one day, Jiang Jing and Mo Xiaoxiao were walking on campus with hand in
Jiang Jing was so involved in
the love affair. Each morning he would wait for Mo at her first intersection.
She would ride at the back of his bike, with her skirt flying in the wind.
The last year of high school
meant endless exercises and tests for everyone. Su Sha has written many letters
for the past two years, but she never posted them. She kept them tidy in the
desk drawer, with a shell sitting beside them. And the love kettle of wine in
her heart tasted even more mellow and richer.
Those days, her mom was so
focused on encouraging her, and always said things like Study hard,
and dont stay in this small town for the rest of your
life or Do your best so you
can enter a good university so on and so forth. Su Sha
buried herself under piles of exercises and kept her yearn within her heart.
She felt like a dying insect trapped in the shell alone in the many ice-cold
mornings and dusks.
Finally one day after the
college entrance exam, Su Sha asked Jiang Jing out. They rode past many alleys
and old streets. Inside her backpack were the letters from all these years,
with all the weight pressured on her heart. In the evening, they wandered around
the old streets and sat at the famous bean jelly shop. Both of them kept silent
and buried their head in the bean jelly. After a while, Su Sha, her eyes full
of tears, couldnt find one word to say to the person right in front of her, like no
words could fully express herself. She recalled that day when the light of the
setting sun shining from the back of Jiang Jing and she saw the warm smile on
his face.
After Jiang Jing paid the bill,
they left the shop one behind the other. Su Sha stopped and cried his name
gently, Jiang Jing, wait. He turned back , see her
blurry eyes and asked her in surprise, Su Sha, what
Su Sha didnt reply. She
took out all the letters from her bag and shoved into his hand. And then she
jumped on her bike and rode away, disappearing in the next alley, so fast that
he couldnt even respond.
For a few years, Su Sha has
never met Jiang Jing again. But news of him came to her ears from here and
there. He broke up with Mo Xiaoxiao and went to the coastal city after the exam,
and never came back
Su Sha is listening to some
quiet country music in her earphone. She has traveled to many places by herself
and arrived back in Luohe Town at fall.
She is wandering around the old
streets, and finds herself standing in front of that old famous been jelly
shop. Sometimes she could still recall the old times of her and Jiang Jing. One
leaf of phoenix tree falls beside her feet. The leaf is the size of a palm,
with a fine clear pattern, as if one could read its brief fate.
Su Sha!
Someone calls her name from the back, a voice sounded like from years
back, from the bank of the Luo River.



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