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書城自編碼: 2890755
作者: Vander Viana、Sonia Zyngier、Geo
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513578134
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2016-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 320/360000000
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 80.9



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总序 文秋芳 vii
导读 许家金 xi
Foreword xxiii
Ronald Carter
Preface xxv
Vander Viana
Sonia Zyngier
Geoff Barnbrook
Applied Corpus Linguistics and the learning experience 1
Interview with Guy Aston
Social involvement in corpus studies 19
Interview with Paul Baker
Corpus Linguistics in South America 31
Interview with Tony Berber Sardinha
Variation in corpora and its pedagogical implications 50
Interview with Susan Conrad
Synchronic and diachronic uses of corpora 69
Interview with Mark Davies
Methodological and interdisciplinary stance in Corpus Linguistics 89
Interview with Stefan Th. Gries
Looking through corpora into writing practices 109
A multilingual outlook of corpora studies 127
Interview with Stig Johansson
Corpus Linguistics and translation studies 144
Interview with Sara Laviosa
Principles and applications of Corpus Linguistics 170
Interview with Geoffrey Leech
Philosophical and literary concerns in Corpus Linguistics 188
Interview with Bill Louw
A two-way exchange between syntax and corpora 218
Interview with Geoffrey Sampson
The technological aspect of Corpus Linguistics 235
Interview with Mike Scott
A critical view on the use of corpora 242
Interview with John Swales
The politics of Corpus Linguistics 250
Vander Viana
About the contributors 269
Index 277
ForewordThere are many books currently available that are devoted to the theory and practice of CorpusLinguistics. This volume is different, indeed unique, in eliciting responses to key questions aboutthe field from a wide range of distinguished practitioners. It provides a valuable record ofreflection on past developments, an index of current thinking and a map for future possibilities andall in relation to a field which is one of the fastest growing areas in the domain of languagestudy. The volume lucidly addresses key questions which are of interest both to those new to thefield and to experienced professionals alike.The sheer diversity of responses provided by contributors to the volume provides a guide to themultiple and varied theories and practices associated with Corpus Linguistics. At the same time,however, reading through the responses in sequence reveals how unified the field is in itsrecognition of strengths and weaknesses, how much agreement there is about the need for improvedmethods and practices, and the extent to which contributors converge in their view of futureprospects. Given the remarkable growth of the field in the last twenty years, the ever-increasingcomputational and analytic power currently available and the fact that some advocates are now sayingthat Corpus Linguistics is linguistics or should be linguistics or that linguistics in any of itsmanifestations cannot be practised without being corpus-informed, the contributors are helpfullymeasured in their responses and reflections, are not over-zealous in their claims and are constantlyalert to the fact that the field requires both consolidation and further extension and expansion.The need for better automated transcription and corpus annotation, the need for more spoken andmultimodal corpora, the need for fuller engagement with linguistic theory and the need for corporato embrace more than English as the main language of description and investigation are just some ofthe examples on which th



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