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三月出版:大陸書 台灣書


書城自編碼: 2692957
作者: [美]波拉德,[美]雷蒙德 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030461469
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2015-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 500页
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 310.8



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本书适用于高校地质学相关学科教师、高年级本 科生和研究生,地矿部门研究机构相关研究人员,特 别是构造地质学、地球物理学、岩石力学和岩土工程 等领域研究人员。
Chapter 1 Motivations and opportunities
1.1 Earthquake hazards in southern California
1.2 Radar lineaments on Venus
1.3 Faulting in a North Sea hydrocarbon reservoir
1.4 Anticracks in southern France
1.5 Mountain building on the Colorado Plateau
1.6 Concluding remarks
Chapter 2 Structural mapping techniques and tools
2.1 Geographic coordinates and map projections
2.2 Local coordinates and position vectors
2.3 Orientations of structural elements
2.4 Structural mapping using GPS technology
2.5 Concluding remarks
Chapter 3 Characterizing structures using differential geometry
3.1 The concept and description of lineations
3.2 The concept and description of curved surfaces
3.3 Applications of differential geometry to structural geology
3.4 Concluding remarks
Chapter 4 Physical quantities, fields, dimensions, and scaling
4.1 Physical quantities and the continuum
4.2 Physical dimensions and dimensional analysis
4.3 Dimensionless groups and the scaling of structural processes
4.4 Scaled laboratory models
4.5 Concluding remarks
Chapter 5 Deformation and flow
5.1 Rock deformation: some observations and a simple description
5.2 Evolving geometry of a structure: kinematic models, velocity models, and deformation
5.3 Relation between deformation and velocity fields
5.4 Velocity fields: the instantaneous state of motion
5.5 General results
5.6 Concluding remarks
Chapter 6 Force, traction, and stress
6.1 Concepts of force and traction
6.2 Concept and analysis of stress
6.3 State of stress in the Earth
6.4 Concluding remarks
Chapter 7 Conservation of mass and momentum
7.1 Particle dynamics
7.2 Rigid-body dynamics and statics
7.3 Conservation of mass and momentum in a deformable continuum
7.4 Field equations for the elastic solid and viscous fluid
7.5 Concluding remarks
Chapter 8 Elastic deformation
8.1 Estimating rock properties from geological field tests
8.2 The idealized elastic material
8.3 Quasi-static displacement boundary value problems
8.4 Quasi-static traction boundary value problems
8.5 Elastic properties from laboratory and engineering
field tests
8.6 Elastic heterogeneity and anisotropy
8.7 Concluding remarks
Chapter 9 Brittle behavior
9.1 Brittle deformation in the laboratory and in the field
9.2 Strength of laboratory samples
9.3 Brittle failure in a field of homogeneous stress
9.4 Brittle failure in a field of heterogeneous stress
9.5 Fracture propagation and fault growth
9.6 Concluding remarks
Chapter 10 Viscous flow
10.1 Rock deformation by viscous flow
10.2 Constitutive relations for isotropic viscous fluids
10.3 Plane and antiplane flow
10.4 Viscous flow in layers: mullions and folds
10.5 How of anisotropic viscous fluids
10.6 Concluding remarks
Chapter 11 Rheological behavior
11.1 Departures from linear viscous flow
11.2 Boudinage and the non-linear power-law fluid
11.3 Coupling of viscous flow and macroscopic ditTusional transport
11.4 Continuum properties of composite materials
11.5 Anisotropic fluids and internal instability
11.6 Concluding remarks
Chapter 12 Model development and methodology
12.1 Idealization of field observations
12.2 Selection of general boundary conditions
12.3 A methodology for the practice of structural geology
12.4 Concluding remarks



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