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書城自編碼: 2686166
作者: [美]彼得·赖福吉[Peter Ladefoged]
國際書號(ISBN): 9787301232286
出版社: 北京大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-11-04
版次: 7 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 356/517000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 140.6



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HK$ 88.5
国际著名语音学家彼得·赖福吉(Peter Ladefoged)教授的《语音学教程》经过反复修订,凝聚了作者毕生的研究和教学心得,已成为语音学经典教材。不同于其他语音学教材,它省去了很多概念的理论探讨,列举了大量的发音实例和三维语图,强调了发音的"动态"过程,非常适合初学者学习。
第七版由著名语音学家凯斯·约翰逊(Keith Johnson)教授主笔修订,保留了前版的框架,但每一章节的内容都有不同程度的更新。尤其值得一提的是"要点重述(Recap)",它并非简单的内容总结,而是对全章内容的综述和理论观照,有助于有兴趣的读者发掘有价值的课题,开展深入的语音学研究。
彼得·赖福吉(Peter Ladefoged)教授,国际著名的语音学家,美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校终身教授,曾任美国语言学会会长、国际语音学会会长。
Preface xi
Part I Introductory Concepts 1
Chapter 1
Articulation and Acoustics 2
Speech Production 2
Sound Waves 6
Places of Articulatory Gestures 10
The Oro-Nasal Process 15
Manners of Articulation 15
Stop 15
Fricative 17
Approximant 17
Lateral Approximant 17
Additional Consonantal Gestures 18
The Acoustics of Consonants 19
The Articulation of Vowel Sounds 20
The Sounds of Vowels 23
Suprasegmentals 24
Recap 26
Exercises 27
Chapter 2
Phonology and Phonetic Tran******ion 35
The Tran******ion of Consonants 37
The Tran******ion of Vowels 41
Consonant and Vowel Charts 45
Phonology 47
Recap 51
Exercises 52
Performance Exercises 56
Chapter 3
The Consonants of English 60
Stop Consonants 61
Fricatives 69
Affricates 71
Nasals 71
Approximants 72
Overlapping Gestures 73
English Consonant Allophones 76
Diacritics 80
Recap 81
Exercises 81
Performance Exercises 86
Chapter 4
English Vowels 89
Tran******ion and Phonetic Dictionaries 89
Vowel Quality 91
The Auditory Vowel Space 93
American and British Vowels 95
Diphthongs 97
Rhotic Vowels 99
Lexical Sets 101
Unstressed Syllables 104
Tense and Lax Vowels 105
English Vowel Allophones 107
Recap 109
Exercises 110
Performance Exercises 113
Chapter 5
English Words and Sentences 115
Words in Connected Speech 115
Stress 119
Degrees of Stress 121
Sentence Rhythm 124
Intonation 126
Target Tones 134
Recap 138
Exercises 139
Performance Exercises 142
Chapter 6
Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types 144
Airstream Mechanisms 144
States of the Glottis 156
Voice Onset Time 159
Summary of Actions of the Glottis 164
Recap 165
Exercises 166
Performance Exercises 168
Chapter 7
Consonantal Gestures 173
Articulatory Targets 173
Types of Articulatory Gestures 183
Stops 183
Nasals 184
Fricatives 185
Trills, Taps, and Flaps 186
Laterals 189
Summary of Manners of Articulation 191
Recap 192
Exercises 192
Performance Exercises 194
Chapter 8
Acoustic Phonetics 197
SourceFilter Theory 197
Tube Models 200
Perturbation Theory 202
Acoustic Analysis 203
Acoustics of Consonants 208
Interpreting Spectrograms 213
Individual Differences 221
Recap 224
Exercises 225
Chapter 9
Vowels and Vowel-Like Articulations 227
Cardinal Vowels 227
Secondary Cardinal Vowels 232
Vowels in Other Accents of English 234
Vowels in Other Languages 236
Advanced Tongue Root 238
Rhotacized Vowels 239
Nasalization 241
Summary of Vowel Quality 242
Semivowels 242
Secondary Articulatory Gestures 244
Recap 246
Exercises 247
Performance Exercises 249
Chapter 10
Syllables and Suprasegmental Features 253
Syllables 253
Stress 259
Length 260
Timing 261
Intonation and Tone 264
Stress, Tone, and Pitch Accent Languages 270
Recap 271
Exercises 272
Performance Exercises 274
Chapter 11
Linguistic Phonetics 277
Phonetics of the Community and of the Individual 277
The International Phonetic Alphabet 278
Feature Hierarchy 282
A Problem with Linguistic Explanations 287
Controlling Articulatory Movements 289
Memory for Speech 291
The Balance Between Phonetic Forces 294
Recap 296
Performance Exercises 296
Appendix A: Additional Material for Tran******ion 303
Appendix B: Guidelines for Contributors to the Journal of the International
Phonetic Association 305
Notes 307
Glossary 313
Further Reading 321
Index 325
Speech sounds, like other sounds, can differ from one another in three ways.They can be the same or different in (1) pitch, (2) loudness, and (3) quality.Thus, two vowel sounds may have exactly the same pitch in the sense that they are said on the same note on the musical scale, and they may have the same Ioudness, yet still may differ in that one might be the vowel in bad and the other the vowel in bud.On the other hand, they might have the same vowel quality but differ in that one was said on a higher pitch or that one of them was spoken more loudly.
Sound consists of small variations in air pressure that occur very rapidly one after another.These variations are caused by actions of the speaker''s vocal organs that are (for the most part) superimposed on the outgoing flow oflung air.Thus, in the case of voiced sounds, the vibrating vocal folds chop up the stream of lung air so that pulses of relatively high pressure alternate with moments of lower pressure.Variations in air pressure in the form of sound waves move through the air somewhat like the ripples on a pond.When they reach the ear of a listener, they cause the eardrum to vibrate.A graph of a sound wave is very similar to a graph of the movements of the eardrum.



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