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書城自編碼: 2553188
作者: [英]施密特 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513552516
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2015-01-01

頁數/字數: 448页
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 127.5



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Quick Checklist Principal sections which discuss these issues
Part I Overview of Vocabulary Issues
1 Vocabulary Use and Acquisition
1.1 Ten key issues
1.2 Vocabulary and reading
1.3 A sample of prominent knowledge gaps in the field of
vocabulary studies
Part 2 Foundations of Vocabulary Research
2 Issues of VocabularyAcquisition and Use
2.1 Form-meaning relationships
2.2 Meaning
2.3 Intrinsic difficulty
2.4 Network connections associations
2.5 Frequency
2.6 L 1 influence on vocabulary learning
2.7 Describing different types of vocabulary
2.8 Receptive and productive mastery
2.9 Vocabulary learning strategiesself-regulating behavior
2.10 Computer simulations of vocabulary
2.11 Psycholinguisticneurolinguistic research
3 Formulaie Language
3.1 Identification
3.2 Strength of association--hypothesis tests
3.3 Strength of association--mutual information
3.4 A directional measure of collocation
3.5 Formulaic language with open slots
3.6 Processing formulaic language
3.7 Acquisition of formulaic language
3.8 The psycholinguiStic reality of corpus-extracted
formulaic sequences
3.9 Nonnative use of formulaic language
Part 3 Researching Vocabulary
4 Issues in Research Methodology
4.1 Qualitative research
4.2 Participants
4.3 The need for multiple measures of vocabulary
4.4 The need for longitudinal studies and delayed posttests
4.5 Selection of target lexical items
4.6 Sample size of lexical items
4.7 Interpreting and reporting results
5 Measuring Vocabulary
5.1 Global measurement issues
5.2 Measuring vocabulary size
5.3 Measuring the qualitydepthofvocabulary knowledge
5.4 Measuring automaticity/speed of processing
5.5 Measuring organization
5.6 Measuring attrition atld degrees ofresidual lexical retention
6 Example Research Projects
Part 4 Resources
7 Vocabulary Resources
7.1 Instruments
7.2 Corpora
7.3 Concordancers/tools
7.4 Vocabulary lists ·
7.5 Websites
7.6 Bibliographies
7.7 Important personalities in the field ofvocabulary studies



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