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『英文書』Now You See Me... (Dr. Seuss) (Step into Reading, Step 2) 现在你看到我了 ISBN 9780375867064

書城自編碼: 1813679
作者: Tish
國際書號(ISBN): 9780375867064
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2011-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 32/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 59.5



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《 Step This Way (Dr. Seuss/Cat in the Hat) (Step into Reading2)苏斯博士:走这边 》

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《 Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me 爸爸,我要月亮(大开本,内含惊喜插页) ISBN 9780689877568 》

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《 Shampoodle (Step into Reading, Step 2) 洗发水 ISBN 9780375855764 》

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《 Spring Surprises (Step into Reading, Step 2) 春天的惊喜 ISBN 9780375858406 》
Hide-and-seek is a great game, but Nick always finds where Sally
is hiding. And that''s no fun! Enter the Cat in the Hat. His
friend Gecko is an expert at hiding. Maybe Gecko can share some
tips with the kids? So off they go to the jungle, where Gecko
teaches them how to hide in plain sight—using camouflage! Kids
won''t be able to hide their delight in this rhymed Step 2, Step
into Reading book based on an episode from the new PBS Kids
television show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!
Step 2 is for children who recognize familiar words and sound out
new words with aural and visual cues. Step 2 titles have simple
stories, basic vocabulary, and short sentences.
TISH RABE is the author of 12 Cat in the Hat Learning Library
titles, as well as many other children''s books.
CHRISTOPHER MORONEY has illustrated countless books for



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