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『簡體書』Advanced Quantum Photonics Memory(现代光量子存储)

書城自編碼: 4044933
作者: 徐端颐
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302673927
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2024-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 324.8



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本书是徐端颐教授继中文版《光量子存储》之后在光量子存储领域的又一本巨著。涵盖光量子存储从概念到大批量生产的创新产品开发的详细内容,具有极高的技术价值和实用价值。内容包括设计、制造、工艺、集成到验证、数字化的最先进的相干硅光子集成电路 (Si-PIC) 芯片光学引擎和模拟高速、长距离相干光收发器、DSP、SFP /XFP/QSFP28/QSFP-DD 光收发器、DFB/FP/VCSEL 激光器、APD/PD 接收器、无源光器件,包括薄膜滤波器、光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)、DWDM和OADM器件、EDFA、MEMS、LCoS、ROADM、WSS、MCS、精密光子IC芯片工程、硬件和固件设计、光线路卡和DWDM光学系统工程。光量子存储领域科研和开发人员不可多得的参考书。
It has proven track records of innovative product development from concept to high volume production with specialization in state-of-the-art coherent silicon photonics integrated circuit (Si-PIC) chip optical engine from design, fabrication, processes, integration to verification, digital and analog high speed (>100Gbps) long reach coherent optical transceivers, DSP, SFP /XFP/QSFP28/QSFP-DD optical transceivers, DFB/FP/VCSEL lasers, APD/PD receivers, passive optical devices including thin film filter, fiber Bragg grating (FBG), DWDM and OADM devices, EDFA, MEMS, LCoS, ROADM, WSS, MCS, precision photonics IC chip engineering, hardware and firmware designs, optical line cards, and DWDM optical system engineering.
Chapter 1The latest development in photonic memory
1.1New developments in photonics
1.2Other big data storage technology
1.3Photonic quantum for memory
1.4Controllabledipole quantum memory
1.5MaxwellBloch equations
1.6Ramantype optical quantum memory
1.7Precision of spinechobased quantum memories
1.8Integrated photonics for memory
1.9Photonic integration solid state memory
1.10Other new quantum memory technologies
1.10.1Ultraviolet photonic storage
1.10.2Plasmonic optical storage
1.10.3Xray storage
1.10.4Nanoprobe and molecular polymer storage
1.10.5Electronic quantum holography
1.10.6Compositive application of the different principles
Chapter 2Fundamentals of quantum information
2.1.1Quantum computing (QC) roadmap
2.1.2New quantum computation roadmap
2.2Basic concepts
2.2.1Quatum information
2.2.2Targets of quantum information research
2.2.4Primary concepts
2.2.5Separability criteria and positive maps
2.3Basic concepts
2.3.1Maximally entangled states
2.3.3Observables and preparations
2.3.4Quantum mechanics in phase space
2.4Microaperture laser for photonic memory
2.4.1Teleportation and dense coding
2.4.2Entanglement enhanced teleportation
2.4.3Dense coding
2.4.4Estimating and copying
2.4.5Distillation of entanglement
2.4.6Quantum error correction
2.4.7Quantum computing
2.4.8Quantum cryptography
2.5Entanglement measures
2.5.1General properties and definitions
2.5.2Two qubits
2.5.3Entanglement measures under symmetry
2.6Channel capacity
2.6.1The general case
2.6.2The classical capacity
2.6.3The quantum capacity
2.7Multiple inputs
2.8Quantum probability
2.8.1Review of quantum probability
2.8.2Why classical probability does not suffice
2.8.3Towards a mathematical model
2.8.4Quantum probability
2.8.5Operations on probability spaces
2.8.6Examples of quantum operations
2.8.7Quantum impossibilities
2.8.8Quantum novelties
2.9Dense quantum coding and quantum finite automata
2.9.1Holevos theorem and the entropy coalescence lemma
2.9.2The asymptotic of random access codes
2.9.3Oneway quantum finite automata
2.9.4Quantum advantage for dense coding
2.10Quantum data compression
2.10.1Quantum data compression: an example
2.10.2Schumacher encoding in general
2.10.3Mixedstate coding: Holevo information
2.10.4Accessible information
2.11Photonic technologies for quantum information
2.11.1Singlephoton sources
2.11.2Entangledphoton sources
2.11.3Singlephoton detectors
2.11.4Mathematical background
Chapter 3Multidimension Photonic Memory
3.1Mechanism of photochromic multidimension memory
3.1.1Photochromic reaction
3.1.2Multiwavelength photochromic storage process
3.1.3Model of data writing
3.2Experiments for multiwavelength and multilevel storage
3.2.1The influence of initial reflectivity to writing speed
3.2.2The influence of the maximum reflectivity to writing process
3.2.3Written time constant k
3.2.4Reflectivity of the reflective layer
3.2.5Time constants k
3.3Crosstalk in multiwavelength and multilevel storage
3.3.1Emerging of crosstalk
3.3.2The calculations of crosstalk
3.4Nondestructive readout
3.5Multiwavelength and multilevel storage system
3.5.1System architecture
3.5.2Optical channel characteristics and crosstalk analysis
3.6Modulation coding and error correction
3.6.1Modulation coding
3.6.2The error correction coding
3.6.3Multiwavelength and multilevel storage error code correction
3.6.4ReedSolomon errorcorrecting code
3.7Application of multiwavelength and multilevel storage
3.7.1Multilevel bluray disc drive
3.7.2Threewavelength eightlevel optical storage
3.7.3Multilevel photochromic medium
3.7.4Multilevel amplitude modulation
3.7.5Rate 7/8 runlength and level modulation for multilevel ROM
3.7.67/8 runlength and level modulation code
3.7.7Level modulation process
3.7.8Multilevel amplitudemodulation
3.7.9Systems integration
3.7.10Multilevel runlengthlimited (MLRLL) modulation
3.7.11Three wavelength and multilevel storage with mask
Chapter 4Photonic superresolution memory
4.1.1Nearfield interaction and microscopy
4.1.2Nearfield optics
4.1.3Theoretical modeling of nearfield nanoscopic interactions
4.1.4Theoretical modeling of nearfield nanoscopic interactions
4.2Principles of nearfield optics
4.2.1Base theoretical works
4.2.2Perturbative or selfconsistent approach
4.2.3Theories based on matching boundary conditions
4.2.4Expansion in plane waves: grating and diffraction theory
4.2.5Perturbative diffraction theory
4.2.6Scattering theory
4.2.7Nearfield distributions
4.2.8Interaction and coupling to the farfield
4.3Optical solid immersion lens (OSIL)
4.3.1Parameters of nearfield optical disc systems
4.3.2Solid immersion lens designs
4.3.3Lens design with NA=1.9 for first surface recording
4.3.4Air gap dependence of the spot size for practical optical discs
4.4Superresolution nearfield structure (SRENS)
4.4.1Numerical model for super resolution effect
4.4.2Numerical approach
4.4.3Correct Fourier transform
4.4.4Simulation of the readout signal
4.4.5SRENS with ferroelectrics of chalcogenides
4.5Microaperture laser for NFO data storage
4.5.1Model and numerical methods
4.6Plasmonic nearfield recording (PNFR)
4.6.1Holographic lithography (HL) application
4.6.2Plasmonic nanostructures
4.6.3Plasmonic storage medium
4.6.4Nanogap control with optical antennas (Metallic nanoantennas)
4.6.5Plasmonic nanostructures for optical storage
4.6.6The results of FDTD simulations
4.7Metamaterial immersion lenses (MIL)
4.7.1Theory of MIL
4.7.2Simulations and analysis
4.7.3Application in the future
4.8Dynamic pressure air bearing nanogap control
4.8.1Nanogap flight system design theory model
4.8.2Lubrication model on surface interface of optical head/disc
4.8.3Solving discrete modified Reynolds equations
4.8.4Stream function on the underside of microflying head
4.8.5Dynamic characteristics of micron flight systems
4.8.6Nearfield optical dynamic flight experiment system
4.9Micro positive pressure nanogap flying head design
4.9.1Positive pressure microflying head design
4.9.2The negative pressure microflying head design
4.9.3Reform design of the slider from magnetic storage
4.9.4Comparative analysis of the microflying head design
4.9.5Adaptive suspension design
4.10Nanogap flight experimental and testing
4.10.1Main special testing equipment
4.10.2The nearfield spacing testing
4.10.3Flight system resonance characteristics testing
4.10.4Flying start/stop characteristics testing
Chapter 5Nanophotonic memory
5.1Nanophotonics and quantum memories
5.1.3Optical nanoscopy for data storage
5.1.4Rewritable data storage
5.1.5Paint it black
5.1.6Slow light and memory
5.1.7Photonecho quantum memory
5.2Analysis of a quantum memory for photons
5.2.2General solution
5.3Atomic distribution and memory efficiency
5.3.1Memory efficiency versus storage duration
5.3.2Analysis of results
5.3.3Control and releasing of photon
5.3.4Energy control
5.4Photonic quantum controlle memory function
5.4.1Electron spins in quantum
5.4.2Enhancement of excitonic spontaneous emission
5.4.3Planar microcavities
5.4.4Clock signals
5.4.5Quantum memory and decoherence time
5.4.6T1 and T2 for electron spins
5.4.7T1 and T2 for nuclear spins
5.5Singlephoton emission and distribution of entangled quantum states
5.5.1Singlephoton interferometer with quantum phase modulators
5.5.2Generation of singlephoton pulses
5.6Singlephoton wavepackets and memory in atomic vapor
5.6.1Electronics and photonics integration
5.6.2Wavelength switched optical networks
5.6.3Silicon optical phased array
5.6.4Singlephoton wavepackets to atomic memory
5.6.5Solid state lightmatter interface at photon
5.6.6Photon memory in atomic vapor
5.7Photon storage in atomic media
5.7.1Solidstate memory at the single photon level
5.7.2A singlephoton transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons
5.7.3Photon correlations
5.7.4Multiphoton dynamics
5.8Optical dense atomic memory medium
5.8.1Λtype optical dense atomic media
5.8.2Optimal retrieval
5.8.3Adiabatic retrieval and storage
5.8.4Shaping retrieval into an arbitrary mode
5.9Effects of metastable state nondegeneracy
5.9.1Optimal control using gradient ascent
5.9.2Free space model
5.9.3Adjoint equations of motion in the cavity model
5.10Control field optimization for adiabatic storage
5.11Analysis of photon number in quantum memory
5.11.1Quantum memory for light
5.12Quantum solid memory
5.12.1Atomic memory
5.12.2Stable solidstate source of single photons
5.12.3Stopped times of light storage
5.13Photon solidstate quantum memories
5.13.1Memory operation and properties
5.13.2Analytical model of secondorder interference in coincidence
5.13.3Simplied model for HOM visibility
5.13.4Forbidden regions
5.13.5Cooperative effects for photons and electrons
5.13.6Nanoscale optical interactions
5.13.7Lateral nanoscopic localization
5.13.8Quantum confinement effects
5.13.9New cooperative transitions
5.13.10Nanoscale electronic energy transfer
5.13.11Quantum dots
Information memory is an important means of human civilization transmission and a core link of modern information technology. Quantum photonic memory is an essential basic device in the era from classical information to quantum information. Quantum photonic memory should be able to store various quantum states including with any quantum state. Like classical computers,generalpurpose quantum computers require quantum memory for complex computational functions. Depending on the specific computing chip,the memory must store the corresponding quantum information carrier. Usually classical memory measured in bits,and todays classical memory can reach the order of terabytes (240). So the Optical Memory National Engineering Research Centre (OMNERC) at Tsinghua University has been engaged in optical memory research since the early 1990s. Classical memory a memory unit stores only one bit,so the capacity of the memory is actually the number of classical memory units. Due to the characteristics of quantum coherence,one memory unit of quantum memory can store N qubits at one time. Recent studies have shown that quantum photonic memory can store up to 100 qubits and more than all the classical memory. Therefore,Quantum photonic memory is more important in quantum information than classical memory in classical information because quantum information cannot be copied and amplified. The single photon can be efficiently stored in longlived spin states and the ability to resist ambient noise in actual system transportation can improve more. With the gradual advancement of the above research,quantum USB disk will be enter the practical link first. Quantum photonic memory is more important in quantum information than classical memory in classical information because quantum information cannot be copied and amplified. There are many research groups in the world including OMNERC at Tsinghua University engaged in quantum memory research at present that all the independent indexes of quantum photonic memory have good results. Application of quantum photonic memory has just become so widely used while the quantum processor evolves. The quantum processor designed mapping between the two systems. The quantum processor then yield information about the target quantum system. Difficult electronic structure problem of a target molecule can mappe onto the qubits of the quantum processor for solving optimization problems: The solution of an optimization problem can encode into the ground state of a Hamiltonian. This ground state can be using an iterative,quantumclassical algorithm illustrated at bottom. The quantum processor is prepared. The energy of the state is measured and can be used the classical computer. A classical optimization algorithm then suggests a new quantum state. This quantum speedup is possible by being able to encode the component vector. Therefor quantum technologies become part of everyday lives in the coming decades. So quantum information science are rapidly developing,including ultraprecise quantum sensors that could propel fundamental science forward by leaps and bounds; powerful quantum computers to tackle insoluble problems in finance and logistics; and quantum communications to connect these machines as part of longdistance networks,quantum computers operate on the 1000qubit scale. Anticipate millions of qubits are required to solve important problems that are out of reach of todays most powerful supercomputers. There is a global quantum race to develop quantum computers that can help in many important societal challenges from drug discovery to making fertilizer production more energy efficient and solving important problems in nearly every industry,ranging from aeronautics to the financial sector. That works so well and the potential to scaleup by connecting hundreds or even thousands of quantum computing microchips. Towards quantum computers that are robust to errors,suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit could be the most advanced supercomputer. All experiments validate the unique architecture that the quantum photonic memory been developing—providing an exciting route towards truly largescale quantum computing. We are still growing our research and teaching in this area,with plans for new teaching programs and appointments. Quantum photonic memory will be pivotal in helping to solve some of the most pressing global issues. And with teams spanning the quantum photonic memory and technology research,OMNERC has both a breadth and a depth of expertise in this. I have been engaged in the research of photonic memory and press published a monograph Photonic Memory in 2021,which is very popular with readers. As the world confronted with challenge by exploded increasing amounts of big data. Every day zillions of data generated through the events of the world. I collected and sorted out the new research results of OMRC and at home and abroad in this field in recent years and wrote this monograph,which named Advanced Quantum Photonic Memory & Application.
However,the book was a textbook indeed,mainly introducing theories and principles,with little introduction to engineering applications. In order to meet the needs of the development of light quantum technology and the requirements of the vast number of readers to republish the book. The book supplement to introduction applications of photonic memory technology and devices also added some advanced photonics and memory technology to obtain advanced achievements in recent years. Therefore this book summarized the finally efforts of photonic memory with super resolution and capacity,thereby proposed and described systematically adoption of photonics principles and applied implementation technologies to make big data memory devices. That will have higher memory density,capacity,data transfer rate and low power consumption that is one of the most promising nextgeneration data memory and can be for primary memory,secondary memory and tertiary memory that is photonic RAM,ROM and removable UD. The idea of writing this book was a result of frequent enquiries about the possibility of published a book on Advanced Photonic Memory (APM) in English.
A preliminary survey of the literature showed that numerous researches on almost every aspect of photonics carried out for the past few years,so that the book gives a comprehensive and balanced picture of the field. The book based on quantum physics as quantum entanglement,nanophotonics and photochemistry. From the reversible transfer between a photon and a collective atomic excitation,which in a solidstate device and then accurate expressions. That derived through use of the density matrix equations of motion in detail in order to render this important discussion accessible to general reader a neodymium doped yttrium othersilicate crystal served as quantum memory,with an optical transition with good coherence properties,which employ a thuliumdoped lithium niobate waveguide in conjunction with a photonecho quantum memory protocol. The photons generated in quadratic nonlinear waveguides. that control photon onto nonlinear crystal with entangling,physicmathematical model of heralded photons in solidstate memory,multimode capability of storing photon pair entanglement,photon nonlinear transport,static model of lightmatter entangled state,energytime entangled photons onto the photonic memory,violation of a bell inequality and dynamic model of entangled photons to photonic memory are discussed in detail. Photochemistry solid state memory presents an introduction to another PM based on the principles of two photonphotochemistry and photochromism,include coupled wave equations for different frequency photon,photon nonlinear transport in medium,stereochemistry and isomerisation,preservation of photonic energy during storage,margin analysis based on rigorous modeling,conversion efficiency nanocrystalline film,photochromic dye in amorphous state,electron delocalization valence,error correction and application probabilities. Strong advantages like more performance while less consumption and more ergonomic (less noise,smaller and more flexible cases) stand opposite to disadvantages of more temporary nature (incompatibility and production problems). Photon and light seem to be better than electrons and electric current to carry information. The question how long this will take and the factors influencing it discussed.
The book is organized as follows: Chapter 1 presents an introduction to the latest development in photonic memory including new developments in photonics,MaxwellBloch equations, Application of quantum science and technology, Photonic integration solid state memory, Precision of spinechobased quantum



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