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11月出版:大陸書 台灣書
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『簡體書』中国国际法实践案例选编(英文版)(上、下册)A Selection of Cases on International Law from China

書城自編碼: 3954881
作者: 中华人民共和国外交部条约法律司
國際書號(ISBN): 9787501266609
出版社: 世界知识出版社
出版日期: 2023-12-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 248.4



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主编简介: 主编徐宏,曾外交部条约法律司司长。曾就引渡、刑事司法协助、人类命运共同体与国际法等问题在《中国国际法年刊》《国际私法与比较法年刊》《国际法资料》《法学评论》《法制日报》等期刊、专辑和报刊上发表学术论文数十篇。出版著作如下:(1)专著:徐宏.国际民事司法协助.武汉大学出版社,1996,2006.(2)参编著作数部。
译者简介: 亚洲国际法律研究院是成立于香港的一所独立及非营利机构,旨在促进亚洲在国际法领域的研习、研究和发展。与中国国际法学会和外交部条法司有业务联系和良好合作,政治上可靠。

Strive to Create a New Situation of International Law
Work in the New Era

Part 1 China and Russia Jointly Issued the Declaration on the
Promotion of International Law

Part 2 The Relevant Procedures of China’s Participation in
the “Advisory Opinion on the Unilateral Declaration of
Independence of Kosovo” of the International Court of Justice

Part 3 The Relevant Procedures of China’s Participation in the
“Advisory Opinion on the Responsibilities and Obligations
of Sponsoring States” of International Tribunal for
the Law of Sea

Part 4 China’s Work on Treaty and Relevant Practice

Part 5 Legal Arrangements and Practices for the Application
and Conclusion of Treaties in the Hong Kong and Macau
Special Administrative Regions

Part 6 China Held the International Colloquium on “The Five
Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the Development of
International Law”

Part 7 China Hosted the 54th Annual Session of the Asian-African
Legal Consultative Organization

Part 8 China Hosted the 40th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting

Part 9 Convention Negotiation of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change and China’s Contribution

Part 10 Negotiations of the Paris Agreement and China’s Contribution

Part 11 Negotiation of the United Nations Convention Against
Transnational Organized Crime and China’s Contribution

Part 12 Negotiation of the United Nations Convention Against
Corruption and China’s Contribution

Part 13 South China Sea Arbitration Unilaterally Initiated by the

Part 14 Case of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Awards by the Democratic Republic of the Congo
in Hong Kong

Part 15 Case of U.S. Citizen Morris Sued China in the U.S. Courts
Over Yuan Shih-kai’s Predecessor Government Debt

Part 16 Case of China Being Applied for Enforcement of Arbitral
Awards in the U.S. Courts for Contract Disputes of Fujian
Shipbuilding Enterprises

Part 17 Twenty Years’ History and Achievements of the
China-U.S. Joint Liaison Group on
Law Enforcement Cooperation

Part 18 China’s Temporary Extradition of Byun In Ho to the
Republic of Korea

Part 19 China’s Extradition of Huang Haiyong from Peru

Part 20 China’s Recovery of the Smuggled Dinosaur Egg Nest
Fossil from the United States and the Study of the Basis
of International Law for Recovery of
Lost Overseas Cultural Objects




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