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『簡體書』中国口岸开放与发展之路(The Opening Up and Development of Ports in China)

書城自編碼: 3772757
作者: 朱振
國際書號(ISBN): 9787521835199
出版社: 经济科学出版社
出版日期: 2022-07-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 103.5



** 我創建的書架 **


本书为2021年国家出版基金项目。口岸作为一个国家、一个地区对外开放的门户与窗口。本书回顾总结了我国自秦汉以来2000多年来口岸开放和发展情况,尤其是立足于改革开放40多年口岸开放发展的实践探索、发展成效,结合新中国成立70 多年口岸开放发展的持续探索、改革创新、奋力前行历程,着力探析中国口岸开放发展的实践、成就与经验、启示,对历史、现实与未来作出全景式展示,进一步促进口岸工作的顶层统筹设计和基层实践探索,不断提升口岸管理的现代化治理水平,增强道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Basic concepts, classifications, and characteristics of ports
1.2 Origin of ports in a modern sense
1.3 Geographical characteristics of land and water areas at China‘s open ports
1.4 Interdependence between China’s open ports and their geographical space
1.5 Historical view on the opening up and development of China‘s ports since modern times
1.6 Attention from the CPC Central Committee and the State Council after the founding of the People’s Republic of China
Chapter 2 Open Ports in Ancient China and Their Development
2.1 Development of sea and land transportation during the pre-Qin period
2.2 Shaping of trading routes of the Land Silk Road in the Han Dynasty
2.3 Formation and the main routes of the Maritime Silk Road in the Qin and Han dynasties
2.4 Major coastal ports and their development during the Qin and Han dynasties
2.5 Development of external transport by land and sea during the Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern dynasties
2.6 Development of external transport by land and sea during the Tang and Song dynasties
2.7 Open ports and their development during the Tang and Song dynasties
2.8 Development of external transport by land and sea during the Yuan Dynasty
2.9 Development of external transport and trade management during the Ming Dynasty and Zheng He‘s voyages to the Western Ocean
Chapter 3 Open Ports, Foreign Trade, and Their Development during the Qing Dynasty and Modern China
3.1 Opening policy and foreign trade management of the Qing Dynasty before the First Opium War
3.2 Regular trade between China and Britain before the First Opium War
3.3 Major coastal ports and their transportation development in the early Qing Dynasty
3.4 Large quantities of smuggled opium from Britain to China
3.5 The First Opium War, the Sino-British Treaty of Nanking and its influence
3.6 Treaty ports opened to the outside world on the basis of unequal treaties in modern China
3.7 Non-treaty ports in modern China
3.8 Major characteristics of open ports in modern China
Chapter 4 Open Ports in Contemporary China and Their Development: 1949–1978
4.1 Economic and social development in early years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China
4.2 Fulfillment of China‘s first Five-Year Plan and the development of economy and foreign trade
4.3 Development of transportation in China before the reform and opening up
4.4 Development of China’s foreign trade and the situation of open ports before the reform and opening up
Chapter 5 Open Ports of Contemporary China and Their Development: 1979–2015
5.1 Coastal areas and coastal ports: leaders in opening up
5.2 The Yangtze River Basin: key to promoting opening up and development in inland areas
5.3 Opening of border areas: promoting an overall opening up
5.4 Layout and development of major industries and transportation in China
5.5 Approval, cleaning up and rectification of Category-2 ports in China
5.6 Development of import and export trade at ports in China since the reform and opening up
5.7 Major achievements of the opening and development of ports in China since the start of the reform and opening up
5.8 Competition and cooperation among open ports in China
5.9 Spatial statistical analysis of passenger capacity and cargo volume at provincial open ports in China
5.10 Challenges in the opening up and development of ports
Chapter 6 Opening Mechanism and Management System of Ports in China
6.1 Examination and approval mechanism of open ports in China
6.2 Restructuring and development of China‘s port management system
6.3 Experimental results and implications of the port management system reform in Shenzhen
6.4 Comparison of the opening mechanism and the management system of China’s ports with other countries



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