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十月出版:大陸書 台灣書


書城自編碼: 3766998
作者: 翁偶虹 编剧田鑫鑫 改编 临墨 绘
國際書號(ISBN): 9787511057617
出版社: 海豚出版社
出版日期: 2021-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 12开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 69.0



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绘本改编自京剧《锁麟囊》。登州富家小姐薛湘灵出嫁,婚期中途遇雨,在亭中暂避,巧遇另一出嫁新娘赵守贞。薛湘灵见赵守贞因身世贫苦凄凉而悲啼,遂以锁麟囊相赠。六年后登州大水,薛湘灵和家人失散,漂流到莱州,入卢府成为卢家儿子的保姆。机缘巧合之下,薛湘灵在卢府的小楼里见到了当年送出的锁麟囊,不觉感泣。原来卢夫人就是当年的赵守贞,她得知真相后,与薛湘灵结为姊妹,并帮助她一家团聚。书后配有相应的剧种知识介绍。书中插图从人物造型到环境布局,从亭台楼阁到一草一木,都细腻传神,充满了古朴优雅的意蕴,使读者仿佛身临“戏”境,具有极强的艺术感染力。The picture book is adapted from the Beijing Opera The Lucky Purse. Xue Xiangling, daughter of a wealthy family from Dengzhou, is getting married. She encounters rain in the middle of her way to the ceremony and takes shelter in a pavilion. She happens to meet another bride, Zhao Shouzhen. Xiangling sees that Shouzhen is crying because of her poverty and misery, so she gives Shouzhen a lucky purse. Six years later, when there are floods in Dengzhou, Xiangling and her family are separated and she follows the refugees to Laizhou, where she enters the Lu Mansion and becomes the nanny of the Lu family‘s son. By chance, Xiangling finds in a small building of the Lu Mansion the lucky purse that she gave all those years ago to Shouzhen; she can’t help but bursts into tears. It turns out that Mrs. Lu was exactly Shouzhen. After the two women learn the truth, they becomes sworn sisters,and Shouzhen helps Xianglings family reunite. At the end of the book are knowledges of Beijing Opera. The illustrations in the book, both charaters and scenery and all other details, are delicate, expressive, simple and elegant. With strong artistic appeal, the book makes readers feel as if they themselves are in the play.
翁偶虹 (1908—1994),著名戏曲作家、理论家、教育家、中央文史研究馆馆员,北京人。原名翁麟声,笔名藕红,后改为偶虹。翁偶虹先后于中华戏曲专科学校、中国京剧院任编剧。他曾为程砚秋、金少山、李少春、袁世海、叶盛兰、童芷苓、黄玉华、吴素秋等演员以及中华戏曲专科学校、富连成科班编写剧本,一生共编写剧本 ( 包括移植、整理、改编 )100 余出,其代表剧作有《锁麟囊》《将相和》《响马传》《大闹天宫》《李逵探母》《红灯记》等。翁偶虹先生不仅是著名的戏剧家,还是难得的散文大家,其作品以优美醇厚的散文笔法见长,《翁偶虹戏曲论文集》和《翁偶虹编剧生涯》是他晚年编撰的两部专著。Known by his pen name Ouhong, Weng Linsheng (1908—1994) was a famous playwright, theorist, educator, and academician at the China Central Institute for Culture and History. Weng served as a playwright successively at the Zhonghua Traditional Opera Training School and China Beijing Opera Theater. He wrote a total of more than 100 plays (including transplantations, reorganizations, and adaptions) in his lifetime for numerous famous actors, including many popular pieces like The Lucky Purse, The General and the Prime Minister, Legend of the Bandit Heroes, Monkey King, Li Kui Visits His Mother and The Red Lantern. Weng was also a master of prose known for his elegant and mellow writing style. He compiled two monographs in his later years, namely Weng Ouhong’s Collected Essays on Traditional Opera and Weng Ouhongs Career as a Playwright.



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