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『簡體書』新东方 超强英语阅读训练3

書城自編碼: 3530415
作者: 欧文·麦基姆[Owain,Mckimm]扎卡里·菲林厄姆[Z
國際書號(ISBN): 9787572203497
出版社: 浙江教育出版社
出版日期: 2020-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 107.3



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Introduction 6
How to Use This Book 7

Week 1
Day 1 Animals01 The Sweetest Poison 10
Day 2 People02 The Barons Who Built America 12
Day 3 Culture03 Growing Up Around the World 14
Day 4 Business04 Cradle to Cradle 16
Day 5 Environment05 Where Giants Walk the Earth 18
Day 6 Arts & Literature06 The World of Criminal Graffiti 20

Week 2
Day 1 Animals07 Mini Mind Control 24
Day 2 Arts & Literature08 Struggle and Genius 26
Day 3 Culture09 When the Streets Turn Red 28
Day 4 People10 Making His Mark 30
Day 5 Technology11 The Magic Mirror 32
Day 6 Animals12 The Animal Thats Also an Environment 34

Week 3
Day 1 Entertainment13 And the Worst Actor Goes to... 38
Day 2 Geography14 A River of Fire in the Sky 40
Day 3 Animals15 The Soft Glow of the Natural World 42
Day 4 Culture16 The City of Music 44
Day 5 Mystery17 The City Lost Under the Sea 46
Day 6 Culture18 Celebrating in Color 48

Week 4
Day 1 Geography19 Windows Into the Underworld 52
Day 2 Animals20 Small but Deadly 54
Day 3 Business21 The Bigger They Are, the Harder They Fall 56
Day 4 Entertainment22 Dancing in the Moonlight 58
Day 5 Geography23 A White Ocean 60
Day 6 Health & Body24 Hearty French Feasting 62

Week 5
Day 1 Science25 Not the Only You? 66
Day 2 Language26 Permanent Tongue Twisters 68
Day 3 People27 The Electric Henry Ford 70
Day 4 Health & Body28 Facing the Future 72
Day 5 Science29 The Dark Mystery of Deep Space 74
Day 6 Animals30 The Incredible Sled Dog 76

Week 6
Day 1 Animals31 Forever Young 80
Day 2 History32 The War That Never Ends 82
Day 3 Environment33 The Next Atlantis? 84
Day 4 Arts & Literature34 Japans Literary Superstar 86
Day 5 Culture35 The City of Music 88
Day 6 Sports36 The Artful Imparting of Enthusiasm 90

Week 7
Day 1 Culture37 A New You? 94
Day 2 Arts & Literature38 Becoming the Sculpture 96
Day 3 Geography39 From Seljalandsfoss with Love 98
Day 4 Technology40 The Adventure of Books 100
Day 5 Environment41 The End of Ink? 102
Day 6 Arts & Literature42 A Method in the Madness 104

Week 8
Day 1 Geography43 Walking on the Moon 108
Day 2 Culture44 Say It With Your FingersCarefully! 110
Day 3 Business45 Profit for a Cause 112
Day 4 Nature46 A Beautiful Menace Under the Ice 114
Day 5 Technology47 The Eyes Have It! 116
Day 6 Sports48 Learn to Fight Like an Israeli 118
Week 9
Day 1 Health & Body49 An Oil to Go Nuts for 122
Day 2 Geography50 Towering Beauties 124
Day 3 Culture51 A Mystical, Magical Soup 126
Day 4 History52 Gold Fever 128
Day 5 Environment53 Building a Greener Future 130
Day 6 Health & Body54 Hidden Dangers 132

Week 10
Day 1 Environment55 Is It Getting Darker in Here? 136
Day 2 Technology56 Building the Future 138
Day 3 Language57 The Great Absorber 140
Day 4 Environment58 A Floating Landfill 142
Day 5 Technology59 Water for Everyone 144
Day 6 Health & Body60 Old Ways, New World 146

Week 11
Day 1 Geography61 Witness the Strange and Wonderful 150
Day 2 Mystery62 Paranormal Activity 152
Day 3 Health & Body63 Listen to Your Heart 154
Day 4 Geography64 The Siege of Beijing 156
Day 5 Health & Body65 The Food Poisoner 158
Day 6 Sports66 The Sport of CEOs 160

Week 12
Day 1 Language67 In Danger of Falling Silent 164
Day 2 Health & Body68 Doctor, Doctor! 166
Day 3 Mystery69 Gone and Back Again 168
Day 4 People70 An African Hero 170
Day 5 Entertainment71 Come Watch Me Play 172
Day 6 People72 Dancing Queen 174

Week 13
Day 1 Technology73 People Power 178
Day 2 Language74 Communication Breakdown 180
Day 3 Mystery75 The Skull and Bones Society 182
Day 4 Nature76 The Cold-Blooded Collapse 184
Day 5 Arts & Literature77 Writing the Unexpected 186
Day 6 Geography78 Something in the Wind 188
Day 7 Culture79 Tears for Hire 190

Week 14
Day 1 Health & Body80 A Challenging Diagnosis 194
Day 2 Nature81 Synthetic Signal Blockers 196
Day 3 Mystery82 Can the Future Really Be Known? 198
Day 4 Social Behavior83 Breaking the Habit 200
Day 5 Environment84 The Stolen Hour 202
Day 6 People85 The Heroes Who Heal 204
Day 7 Sports86 En Garde! 206

Week 15
Day 1 Mystery87 Speaking Spooks 210
Day 2 Social Behavior88 The Magic Social Number 212
Day 3 People89 Education Where Its Needed Most 214
Day 4 Sports90 Korean Combat! 216
Day 5 Animals91 A Tale of Two Chimps 218
Day 6 Social Behavior92 Trapped in a Small Space 220
Day 7 Science93 Journey to the Center of the Earth 222

Week 16
Day 1 Language94 Humanitys First Words 226
Day 2 Nature95 Troubled Waters 228
Day 3 Social Behavior96 Part of the Herd 230
Day 4 Science97 The Hobbit 232
Day 5 Health & Body98 The Apricot Kernels: the Cancer Buster? 234
Day 6 Sports99 Loose Your Arrows! 236
Day 7 Science100 Cracking the Case 238

Answers 240

中心思想(Main Idea)
主题(Subject Matter)
支持性细节(Supporting Details)
推理 Inference)
词义(Words in Context)
阐释手法(Clarifying Devices)
作者可能用明喻和隐喻来吸引读者的注意力,激发他们的想象力。文章的结构类型也是一种阐释手法,包括按照事情发展的时间顺序展开叙述的时间顺序类型。使用最广泛的阐释手法有提示词(如first、second、next、finally)和过渡词或短语(如in brief、in conclusion、above all、therefore)。
写作文体(Text Form)
因果关系(Cause and Effect)
因果关系类问题涉及事情为什么会发生(发生的原因)以及结果会怎么样(影响)。因果关系可以引导读者理解一个事件或行为是如何导致另一个事件或行为发生的。比如so、because、as a result这样的词,都是帮助读者识别因果关系的线索。
事实与观点(Fact or Opinion)
作者的语气(Authors Tone)



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