舜其大孝 Greatest Filial Virtue 92
无忧者,其唯文王 King Wen95
孝之至 Perfect Filial Virtue 96
为政在人 Good Government 99
仁者 Benevolence Is Human 101
五伦 The Five Relationships 102
学而知之 An Ordinary Genius 103
三达德 The Three Qualities 104
九经 The Nine Steps105
豫则立,不豫则废 The Importance of Preparation 109
诚有道 There Is a Method110
诚者天之道 Sincerity112
诚之者择善而固执之 Sincerity and the Sage113
人一能之己百之 Perseverance 114
诚则明,明则诚 Sincerity and Understanding 116
唯天下至诚能尽其性 Acting From Self-Nature 117
唯天下至诚为能化 Sincerity and Transformation 118
至诚之道,可以前知 Predicting the Future 120
诚者自成 Sincerity and Completion 122
博厚所以载物 Expansive Sincerity 124
今夫天 Emulating Nature 125
既明且哲 Intelligent Silence 128
愚而好自用 The Wrong Way 129
君子之道 The Way of the Gentleman 130
君子动而世为天下道 The Successful Ruler 131
有誉于天下 A Good Name 132
仲尼祖述尧舜 Confucius Role-Models 133
天下至圣 The Perfect Sage134
天下至诚 The Perfect Sincerity 135
君子之道,淡而不厌 Covering Brocade 137
上天之载,无声无臭 Subtlety 139
附录延伸阅读 APPENDIX Further reading141
The Analects 147
君子务本The Root of Benevolence 148
道千乘之国Ruling a Large Country 149
弟子入则孝The Fine Young Man 150
君子不重则不威The Gentleman 151
民德归厚A Virtuous People 152
患不知人Understanding Others 153
有耻且格Shame 154
问孝Providing for Parents 155
为师Teaching 156
言行Words and Actions 157
周而不比Good to All 158
学而不思则罔Study and Contemplation 159
异端Heresy 160
君子无所争A Gentlemans Contentions 161
君臣Sovereigns and Ministers 162
里仁为美A Benevolent Neighborhood 163
仁者安仁Residing in Benevolence 164
唯仁者能好人Liking People 165
苟志于仁Willful Benevolence 166
朝闻道The Way in the Morning 167
义之与比Doing the Right Thing 168
放于利而行The Profit Motive 169
君子喻于义Profit and Righteousness 170
言之不出Reckless Words 171
申枨焉得刚Shen Chengs Infirmity 172
君子子产Zichan the Gentleman 173
不念旧恶Dwelling On the Past 174
自讼Self-Blame 175
文质彬彬Peasants and Pedants 176
知之者不如好之者The Delight of Study 177
君子之道The Gentlemans Way 178
仁之方The Method of Benevolence 179
从吾所好Wealth and Enjoyment 180
奢俭Extravagance and Parsimony 181
君子坦荡A Gentlemans Freedom 182
任重而道远A Scholars Path 183
利,命,仁Profit, Fate, and Benevolence 184
子之忧A Gentlemans Worries 185
匹夫不可夺志The Unshakable Will 186
问仁The Golden Rule 187
政者正也Upright Leadership Rectitude 188
问友Friendship and Advice 189
问政Leadership by Example 190
身正不令而行The Upright Leader 191
樊迟问仁Fan Chi Asks About Benevolence 192
和而不同An Agreeable Person 193
泰而不骄A Contented Person 194
贫而无怨Poor Without Complaint 195
言之不怍Shameless Words 196
学者何为Why Study 197
失言Misspeaking 198
言不及义The Difficult Ones 199
以言举人Judging People and Words 200
小不忍则乱大谋Discretion and Forbearance 201
众恶之必察焉Be Skeptical 202
道The Dao 203
过而不改是谓过Transgression 204
贞而不谅The Proper Way 205
益者三友Making Friends 206
生而知之Natural Understanding 207
乡愿德之贼也The Village Bandit 208
道听途说Gossip 209
鄙夫不可与事君The Depraved Official 210
恶紫之夺朱Detestable Changes 211
士见危致命Mindful 212
好学The Lover of Learning 213
仁在其中Benevolence Realized 214
信而后劳其民Earning Trust 215
大德不逾闲Crossing the Line 216
孔子之后After Confucius 217
附录延伸阅读 APPENDIX Further reading 222
Mencius Speaks 227
孟子生平The Life of Mencius 228
梁惠王篇King Hui of Liang 237
王何必曰利Why Speak of Benefit 238
五十步笑百步The Fifty Pacer Mocks the Hundred Pacer241
遁辞A Bad Excuse 243
不为和不能Unable or Unwilling 244
匹夫之勇Righteous Courage 245
哀此茕独Widows and Orphans 246
未闻弑君也Punishing the Wicked 247
公孙丑篇Gongsun Chou 248
揠苗助长Helping Rice Grow 249
以德服人Conquering Through Virtue 250
不忍人之心Child in a Well251
善与人同Shuns Greatnes 252
滕文公篇Duke Wen of Teng 253
有为者亦若是Determination 254
枉己者未有能直人者Following the Rules 255
大丈夫The Real Man 257
偷鸡之贼The Chicken Thief 258
离娄篇 Li Lou 259
规矩方圆之至Emulation 260
爱人不亲反其仁Self-Examination 261
天下国家The Importance of the Individual 263
人必自侮然后人侮之Creating Disasters 264
自作孽,不可活Personal Responsibility 265
天下平The Principle of Peace 266
观其眸The Eyes Reveal Intent 267
礼与道Expediency and the Way 268
好为人师Too Many Teachers 270
不告而娶Not Telling 271
小惠Small Favors 272
君之视臣Interacting With Others 273
无罪杀士Killing Officials 274
非礼之礼Superficial Actions 275
人有不为Refusal and Accomplishment 276
言之不善Harsh Consequences 277
不为已甚Extremes 278
唯义所在Righteousness Over Truth 279
赤子之心A Childs Heart 280
博学而详说之Fundamental Truths 281
由仁义行Acting Naturally 282
君子之泽Transmitting a Sages Virtue 283
逢蒙学射Archers and Friends 284
西子蒙不洁Filthy Beauty 288
不孝者五Five Unfilial Actions 289
何异于人Sages and Commoners 290
形同乞丐Eting with the Rich and Powerful 291
万章篇Wan Zhang 294
欺之以方Fooling a Gentleman 295
先知先觉Sooner and Later 296
告子篇Gao zi 297
食色性也Inside and Outside 298
鱼与熊掌Fish and Bear Paw 301
求其放心Searching for Your Heart 302
拱把之桐梓Taking Care of Trees 303
杯水车薪A Cup of Water for a Fire 304
大匠诲人,必以规矩The Archer and the Artisan 305
尽心篇Whoulehearted 306
尽其心者知其性Realizing Fate 307
正命Correct Fate 308
虽无文王犹兴Rising to Ones Potential 309
舜之居深山Shun in the Mountains 310
无为其所不为Dont Do What You Dont Do 311
恒存疢疾Learning from Hard Times 312
君子三乐A Gentlemans Happiness 313
登东山而小鲁,登泰山而小天下Two Views 314
鸡鸣而起Getting Up Early 316
柳下惠不以三公易其介The Integrity of Liuxia Hui 317
掘井Digging a Well 318
爱而敬之Sincerity and Respect 319
君子之所以教Teaching Others 320
天下有道,以道殉身Follow the Way, Follow Yourself 321
君子之于物Benevolence,Intimacy and Care 322
尽信书,不如无书Blood and Benevolence 323
梓匠不能使人巧A Carpenters Skill 324
舜之饭糗茹草Shun Gets Rich 325
不行于妻子A Wifes Rejection 326
周于利者凶年不能杀A Chaotic World 327
箪食豆羹见于色The Throne and a Basket of Rice 328
民为贵Replacing Gods 329
仁者人也Benevolence and the Way 330
贤者昭昭Enlightening Others 331
山径之蹊间The Mountain Trail 332
禹之声Yus Bells 333
重做冯妇Back to Being to the Old Feng Fu 334
养心莫善于寡欲Cultivating the Heart 336