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書城自編碼: 2932649
作者: 吴江梅 赵霞
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300233673
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2016-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: /288
書度/開本: 128开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 79.2



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吴江梅,北京林业大学外语学院教授。 国家林业局外语培训中心主任。80年代在英国接受Herry Widdowson,Peter Skehan,Peter Streven等世界知名教授亲传,并先后向20多名英国优秀教师学习、与之合作。曾在伦敦大学教育学院修教材编写。
Unit 1 Book Review
Unit 2 Abstract
Unit 3 Introduction
Unit 4 Location
Unit 5 Material and Method
Unit 6 Feature and Property
Unit 7 Structure
Unit 8 Result
Unit 9 Cause and Effect
Unit 10 Measurement
Unit 11 Function
Unit 12 Discussion and Conclusion
Unit 13 Referring Back & Certainty
Unit 14 Title and Reference
Unit 15 Linear Discourse & Chronological Report
Unit 16 Tabular Discourse & Comparison
Unit 17 Branched Discourse & Classification
Unit 1Book Review
Section A Main Functions
1.The following statements are either TRUE or FALSE statements about a book review. Choose the true statements that describe the functions of a book review.
a. A book review should describe what is on the page.
b. A book review should analyze how the book tried to achieve its purposes.
c. A book review should evaluate the book.
d. A book review is a description, critical analysis, and an evaluation on the quality, meaning, and significance of a book.
e. It is a retelling of the book.
f. It is quite similar to a book report or a summary, which simply summarizes the content of a book.
g. It should focus on the books purpose, content, and authority.
2.The following statements are possible moves in a book review. Find the irrelevant ones.
a. Identify the author briefly.
b. Summarize the book and relate the authors main point, or thesis.
c. Describe the authors viewpoint and purpose for writing.
d. Note any aspects of the authors background that are important for understanding the book.
e. Note the most important evidence the author presents to support his or her thesis.
f. Evaluate the authors use of evidence, and describe how he or she deals with counter evidence.
g. Compare this book with other books or articles you have read on the same subject.
h. Conclude with a final evaluation of the book.
i. Discuss who would find this book useful and why.
j. Be positive about the viewpoints.
3.Find out the differences between a book review and a book summary, and put a, b, c, d into Table 1.
a. An analysis of and reaction to the content.
b. Main idea of the content.
c. Both report on and evaluate the book.
d. A report of what is written.



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