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『簡體書』数字化车间管理 刀具管理系统技术

書城自編碼: 2878778
作者: 袁美霞 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787111541776
出版社: 机械工业出版社
出版日期: 2016-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 67/84000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 28.5



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摘要刀具是机械制造系统的重要组成部分, 它对加工表面的几何形状、尺寸精度、表面质量及加工成本等有很大影响。目前刀具的种类繁多,所以在虚拟制造环境下,对刀具信息进行管理具有重大意义。基于工艺特征的刀具及其切削参数管理系统能够根据工件材料、加工精度、热处理、几何形状等工艺特征,智能地选出合理的刀具,并且进行切削参数的推荐或优化。计算机网络技术与数据库技术的迅速发展与广泛应用使企业之间或者企业内部可以建立统一的制造资源库,从而使制造资源的集成与共享成为可能。作为制造资源集成的基础部分之一,基于工艺特征的刀具及其切削参数管理系统的建立是实现制造资源的集成与共享的重要步骤。在内容上,要求该系统能满足现代制造系统各应用环节的需求;在性能上,要求能保证资源信息的完备性及一致性、能力描述的完整性和准确性;在结构上,要求能保持相对的独立性。本书针对基于工艺特征的刀具及切削参数管理系统的相关技术进行了探讨,主要研究内容如下:1根据刀具信息在实际工业生产中的重要作用,围绕生产加工过程中的工艺特征信息,建立了刀具管理系统,提出了系统的三层框架结构和五大功能模块。2根据现代制造系统对刀具信息的需求及对理想刀具信息模型的要求,本书采用了特征建模技术来描述生产加工过程中零件的工艺特征信息和刀具的特征信息,建立了刀具信息模型。3设计了刀具编码体系,该编码体系采用了混合结构,具有树式结构和链式结构的共同优点,能较好地满足对刀具类型、主要特征等信息的描述需要。4实现了对系统信息的查询、维护功能,用户能够对刀具信息、工件材料信息、机床信息等系统相关信息进行查询、设置、删除等操作。5应用专家系统实现了刀具的智能选择。该模块把智能选择刀具分为单条件智能选择刀具和综合多因素智能选择刀具。单条件智能选择刀具是根据工件材料或加工精度进行选刀的,综合多因素智能选刀则是根据工件材料、加工工序、加工精度、热处理等工艺特征来选择刀具的。6将切削手册、公式计算和一些专家经验融合在一起,研究了常用的车削和铣削两方面的切削参数的推荐技术。7对优化算法中的复合形法和遗传算法进行了深入探讨,主要研究了车削中的切削参数优化技术,分别以最大生产率、最低成本和最高利润率为目标函数进行切削参数的优化技术研究。在该模块研究中,提出了参数定制概念,以减少用户工作量。AbstractThe cutting tools are an important part of the manufacturing systemThe cutting tools have great effect on the surface shape, dimensional tolerance, surface quanlity and manufacturing costAt present, there are all kinds of cutting toolsSo in the virtual environment, it is of much importance that according to process feature such as workpiece material, machining precision, heat processing etcWe can carry on management on cutting tools, select the appropriate cutting tools and cutting parameters or the optimized cutting parametersThe rapid development and wide application of the network and database technology make it possible for enterprises to build unified manufacture resource database within or between them, and even further, to realize the integration and share of manufacture resourceAs a fundamental part of the manufacture resource integration, the establishment of cutting tools and cutting parameters information management system based on process feature is an important step of achieving manufacture resource integration and shareAs for content, both of the information model and synthetic capability description should meet every application departments requirements; as for performance, both of them should ensure the maturity and consistent of resource information, and the integrality and veracity of capability description; as for structure, both of them should maintain their relative independencesIn the paper the technology on cutting tools and cutting parameters information management system is researched furtherThe main contents of this project are as follows:1 For the importance of tool information in industrial manufacturing,this project establishes the cutting tools information management system and it also presents the systems framework and function models2 A cutting tool information model and a process feature information model of the part are established by using feature modeling technology, which can be used to describe the feature information of those cutting tools and process feature information of those parts3 A cutting tool coding system is designed to describe cutting tool type and other main feature, which has a mix structure4 The users can query and edit the information of the systemFor example the users can query, set and delete the information on cutting tool, workpiece and machine etc5 The technology on selecting cutting tools by using expert system is discussed in the paperThe users may select cutting tools in according to a single condition such as workpiece , machining precision; or select cutting tools in according to several conditions6 In the paper the technology on cutting parameter recommendation is researched by making full of expert experience and cutting manualThe cutting parameter recommendation on turning and milling is mainly discussed7)Three optimized algorithm, which includes complex method, genic algorithm are discussed furtherThe optimized objects are the highest productivity, the lowest cost and the largest profitIn the paper madetoorder parameter is introduced



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