Children and old people, friendship and love, generosity and warmth are something in common that shared by the whole universe.
我所记录的,就是这些关于情感流动的瞬间。旅行中,夕阳里牵手漫步的老人,共同背包并肩走在路上的恋人,骑在爸爸肩膀上的撒娇的女孩儿,面对镜头害羞或搞怪的孩子,一双双清澈见底的眼睛,孩子们那些高山流水般的笑声 都深深刻在了记忆里。在记录过程中,我能清晰的感觉到内心暖流涌动,眼眶发热。让我越来越坚信,无论生活多么差强人意,也不影响这个世界原有的美好。
What I try to document, is the intimate and touching moments between people. Old couple who held hands as they took a stroll in the sunset, young lovers who had lots of laughs when they walked along the river, little girl who sat on her dads shoulder, shy children who made funny faces in front of my camera with clear crystal eyes. These are the moments and experiences that make me believe how wonderful the world is.
Every child is an angle, every kind of love should be blessed.
I volunteered teaching in Namtso Primary School for more than a year in 2010. Looking back, that year was by far the best year in my life. I made friends with those beautiful students. It is hard to find such a peaceful place and lovely people else where, which making me miss them so much.
This precious experience always exist in the world, eternally. We pass on the love from generations to generations because we are the ones who i are loved and who can give love to other people. Life is precious, thats why we should appreciate everything we have, including families, friends, kind strangers, smiles, farewells, embracement and finally our faith.
We feel the warmth in out hears, love is never ending.