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書城自編碼: 2685898
作者: [马来西亚]法光法师
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513566711
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2015-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 428/360000
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 90.7



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HK$ 410.8
法光法师(Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti)系香港大学佛学研究中心教授,佛学原典系的教授和系主任,是研究佛学专科阿毗达磨 对法的权威。精通佛教典籍文字,包括中文古文、梵文、 巴利文、藏文。
Lesson 1
1.1 The Sanskrit Alphabet
1.2 Three genders of nouns: masculine m, neutral n
and feminine f
1.3 Three numbers: singular sg, dual du and plural pl
1.4 Case vibhakti
1.5 Masculine nouns ending with -a
1.6 Adjectives
1.7 Omission of the verb “to be” in a sentence
1.8 Indeclinable particles ca, vā, api, na and the affix –vat
Lesson 2
2.1 The accusative case acc
2.2 The ablative case abl
2.3 Accusative and ablative case of m nouns ending in -a:
2.4 Neutral nouns ending in -a: phala
2.5 Sanskrit verbs
2.6 Verbal prefixes
2.7 Three grades of strengthening of vowels
2.8 Verbs of classes I, IV, VI, X
2.9 Particle iti
2.10 The emphatic particle eva
Lesson 3
3.1 The dative case
3.2 Genitive used in the dative sense
3.3 Expression of “have”
3.4 The vocative case
3.5 The declensions learned so far
3.6 Declension of f ā-ending noun: praj?ā
3.7 Suffixes -tā, -tva , -tas
3.8 Class VI verbs
3.9 Class IV verbs
3.10 Class X verbs
3.11 Summary of differences between verbs of
class I, IV, VI and X
3.12 Personal pronouns: 1st person stem: mad,
2nd person stem: tvad
Lesson 4
4.1 Declension of m nouns ending in -u
4.2 Declension of n nouns ending in -u
4.3 Declension of pronoun sa? m ‘he’‘that’
and e?a? m ‘this’
4.4 Declension of pronoun tat n ‘it’‘that’
and etat ‘this’
4.5 The enclitic pronoun enam
4.6 The causative verbs
4.7 The denominatives
4.8 The instrumental case
4.9 Past Passive Participles PPP
Lesson 5
5.1 Declension of m nouns ending in -i : agni
5.2 Declension of n nouns ending in -i : vāri
5.3 Declension of f nouns ending in -i : jāti
5.4 Declension of f nouns ending in -ī : nadī
5.5 Declension of pronoun sā f
5.6 Declension of demonstratives: ayam m,
idam n, iyam f
5.7 Declension of interrogative pronouns: ka? m,
kim n, kā f
5.8 The interrogative particles, api and kim
question markers
5.9 Parasmaipada and ātmanepada verbs
5.10 Paradigm for the conjugation of ātmanepada verbs
5.11 Gerunds
5.12 Hard and soft consonants
5.13 Introduction to sandhi rules
5.14 Primary and secondary suffixes
Lesson 6
6.1 Possessive suffix -in
6.2 “Subjective genitive” and “objective genitive”
6.3 Future passive participles FPP. Also known as
6.4 Relatives
6.5 Numerals cardinals
Lesson 7
7.1 Declension of bhagavant m
7.2 Possessive suffixes ‘-mant’ and ‘-vant’
7.3 The Future Tense
7.4 Compounds — dvandva and tatpuru?a
7.5 Infinitive
7.6 Verbs formed from nounadjective + √bhū and + √k?
7.7 Declension of the demonstrative asau m
7.8 Declension of the demonstrative ada? n
7.9 Declension of the demonstrative asau f
Lesson 8
8.1 Declension of noun ending in –an: ātman, rājan,
karman, nāman
8.2 Class II verbs
8.3 Verb standing at the beginning of a sentence
8.4 The Passive Voice
8.5 Present participles PrP
8.6 Karmadhāraya compound
8.7 Avyayībhāva compound
Lesson 9
9.1 Declension of manas n and sumanas m,f
9.2 Declension of āyus n
9.3 Declension of sa?pad f, vāc vāk f
9.4 Some irregular declensions: grāma?i? m,pathin m
9.5 Class IX verbs
9.6 The imperative mood ipv
9.7 Numbers ordinal
Lesson 10
10.1 Declension of agent nouns
10.2 Periphrastic Future
10.3 Conjugation of Class V Verbs
10.4 Conjugation of Class VIII Verbs
10.5 The optative mode
10.6 Bahuvrīhi compounds
Lesson 11
11.1 Past Participle Active PPA
11.2 Conjugation of Class III verbs
11.3 The imperfect tense
11.4 Conjugation of the present and imperfect
of √budh, √j?ā and √dā
11.5 Locative Absolute and Genitive Absolute
Lesson 12
12.1 Class VII verbs
12.2 Conditional tense condl
12.3 The Perfect Tense pf
12.4 Comparative and superlative suffixes
Lesson 13
13.1 The Aorist Tense
13.2 Prohibitive injunctive
13.3 Desiderative and Intensive frequentative
English translation of the Vajracchedikā Praj?āpāramitā
Appendix: Sandhi tables
Useful References



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