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『英文書』Thirty Days to Better English

書城自編碼: 2610605
作者: Norman Lewis
國際書號(ISBN): 9780451161918
出版社: Signet
出版日期: 1985-04-02

頁數/字數: 208页

售價:HK$ 79.9



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于胥斯原 乡族、风水与地方记忆
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《 以经治国与汉代社会 》

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《 我真正想要什么?:智慧瑜伽答问/正念系列 》

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元朝理财记 从成吉思汗的崛起到元朝的衰亡
《 元朝理财记 从成吉思汗的崛起到元朝的衰亡 》

售價:HK$ 98.6




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《A Year in the Life of an ESL S》

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《The Only Grammar Book You'》

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《Word Power Made Easy: The Comp》
Does your English work for you or against you? What you say is important-but so is how you say it. If you find yourself using the same words over and over again...making embarassing mistakes in grammar...mispelling and mispronouncing words of average difficulty...you may be hurting your chances for success in school or on the job-without even knowing it! If you''re not satified with what your English says about you, test your problem areas with this popular, remarkably effective handbook. Each of the thirty short chapters zeroes in on a differenct aspect of grammar, usage, spelling, and pronounciation, with challenging and often amusing exercises to help you monitor your daily progress. Your vital communication skills can improve dramatically, in just fifteen minutes a day with-30 Days To Better English.
Norman Lewis (1908-2003) was one of the greatest English-language travel writers. He was the author of thirteen novels and fourteen works of nonfiction, including "Naples ''44", "The Tomb in Seville", and "Voices of the Old Sea". Lewis served in the Allied occupation of Italy during World War II, and reported from Mafia-ruled Sicily and Vietnam under French-colonial rule, among other locations. Born in England, he traveled extensively, living in places including London, Wales, Nicaragua, a Spanish fishing village, and the countryside near Rome.



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