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九月出版:大陸書 台灣書


書城自編碼: 2573313
作者: 李风琴,杨雪萍,秦杰 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787566408600
出版社: 安徽大学出版社
出版日期: 2014-12-01

頁數/字數: 218页
書度/開本: 16开

售價:HK$ 75.4



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HK$ 85.6
Chapter I Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to instructional design
 2.Characteristics of instructional design
 3.Learning theories and the practice of instructional design
 4.A case of instructional design
Chapter II Analysis of Course Materials Currently Used in Middle School
 1.Syllabus and curriculum
 2.A brief history of English syllabuses in China
 3.Principles for 2011 New English Curriculum Standard and requirements for English language teachers
 4.Analysis of course materials currently used in middle school
Chapter III Pronunciation Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to pronunciation instruction
 2.Principles for pronunciation instruction
 3.Methods and techniques of pronunciation instruction
 4.Case study of pronunciation instruction
Chapter IV Vocabulary Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to vocabulary instruction
 2.Principles for vocabulary instruction
 3.Methods and techniques of vocabulary instruction
 4.Case study of vocabulary instruction
Chapter V Grammar Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to grammar instruction
 2.Principles for grammar instruction
 3.Methods and techniques of grammar instruction
 4.Case study of grammar instruction
Chapter VI Listening Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to listening instruction
 2.Principles for listening instruction
 3.Methods and techniques of listening instruction
 4.Case study of listening instruction
Chapter VII Speaking Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to speaking instruction
 2.Principles for speaking instruction
 3.Methods and techniques of speaking instruction
 4.Case study of speaking instruction
Chapter VIII Reading Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to reading instruction
 2.Principles for reading instruction
 3.Common reading strategies and skills
 4.Methods and techniques of reading instruction
 5.Case study of reading instruction
Chapter IX Writing Instructional Design
 1.Introduction to writing instruction
 2.Principles for writing instruction
 3.Methods and techniques of writing instruction
 4.Case study of writing instruction
Chapter X Homework Design
 1.Introduction to homework
 2.Principles for homework design
 3.Types of homework
 4.Tips for teachers
 5.Tips for parents
Chapter XI Assessment Design
 1.Introduction to assessment
 2.The principal types of language tests
 3.Qualities of a good test
 4.The construction of an educational test
 5.Methods and techniques of assessment design
Chapter XII Cases of Lesson Plan and Guided Learning Plan
 1.Lesson plan
 2.Guided learning plan



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