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『英文書』Big Nate:I Can't Take It!“我们班有个捣蛋王”系列:我可不要它!ISBN9781449429379

書城自編碼: 2542132
作者: Lincoln Peirce 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9781449429379
出版社: Simon & Schuster
出版日期: 2013-10-01

頁數/字數: 224页
書度/開本: 32开

售價:HK$ 189.2



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Big Nate. He thinks big. He talks big. He acts big. And the Big Nate: I Can''t Take It, featuring our mischievous middle-school hero, is big fun.
The second collection of all-color Sunday Big Nate cartoons!
Life can be stressful for Nate Wright. At school, Mrs. Godfrey makes every day a nightmare. At home, he''s stuck between Ellen, his incredibly annoying older sister, and Dad, perhaps the most clueless parent of all time. And don''t get him started on Gina, the ultimate teacher''s pet, or Artur, the unassuming exchange student who bests him at every turn. It''s enough to make even a can-do kid like Nate scream: "I CAN''T TAKE IT!"
Lincoln Peirce has been drawing the Big Nate comic strip for more than 20 years. Born in Ames, Iowa, Peirce grew up in Durham, New Hampshire. As a kid, he began creating his own strips in the sixth grade. Peirce taught high school in New York City and has created several animated pilots for Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. He lives in Portland, Maine, with his family.



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