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『英文書』The Journey Home from Grandpa's(A Barefoot Singalong)到奶奶家(书+CD)ISBN9781846866586

書城自編碼: 2520356
作者: Jemima Lumley,Sophie Fatus
國際書號(ISBN): 9781846866586
出版社: Barefoot Books
出版日期: 2011-07-01

頁數/字數: 32页
書度/開本: 16开

售價:HK$ 144.5



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-A new edition of a Barefoot bestseller with sales to date of over 13,000 copies. -This action-packed book is ideal for teaching different colours and types of transport and for developing map-reading skills. -AR Level: 3.9 -This splendid sing-along book is wonderful for pre-school and Early Years children for listening, dancing, then singing and acting out the story'' - Books for Keeps -Includes a dual-purpose audio and video CD to listen to the singalong on a CD player or listen and watch the video animation on a Mac or PC.
Jemima Lumley is an author and graphic designer. She lives in Bristol with her husband and two children. Sophie Fatus is a full-time illustrator and sculptress, who studied at the prestigious Academy of Fine Art in Paris. Her brightly coloured illustrations and quirky style are world-renowned and have graced the pages of several other Barefoot books including If You''re Happy and You Know It!,The Real Princess and The Story Tree. Sophie lives in Florence, Italy. Fred Penner has been entertaining children and adults alike for more than twenty years. A native of Manitoba, Canada, Fred has worn many hats - from folk-rock singer, television host and home video star to children''s book author, UNICEF Canada spokesman, husband and father of four!



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