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『簡體書』Numerical Computing with MATLAB revised in 2013(MATLAB数值计算 2013修订版?英文版)(MATLAB之父Cleve B. Moler的经典之作,经Cleve本人正式授权,中国首印)

書城自編碼: 2478000
作者: [美]莫勒 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787512415751
出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社
出版日期: 2014-10-01

頁數/字數: 346/629000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 228.8



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莫勒的《MATLAB数值计算(2013修订版英文版)》 风格生动,适用于数值方法、MATLAB 和技术计算等 方面的初级课程,着重介绍数学软件的熟练使用及其 内在的高效率算法。主要内容包括:MATLAB介绍、线 性方程组、插值、方程求根、最小二乘法、数值积分 、常微分方程、傅里叶分析、随机数、特征值与奇异 值、偏微分方程。
Cleve B.Moler 是The MathWorks公司的主席和首席科学家。曾任密歇根大学、斯坦福大学和新墨西哥大学的数学系或计算机系教授。他在两个计算机硬件制造商Intel公司的Hypercube组织Ardent Computers公司工作了五年。他的主要专业兴趣在于数值分析和科学计算。他是MATLAB软件的创始者,也是著名的矩阵计算软件包LINPACK和EISPACK的作者之一,已撰写了三本有关数值方法的教材。同时,他在SIAM(美国工业与应用数学学会)历任期刊编辑、委员会成员和副总裁,并从1996年开始担任理事会成员。
1 Introduction to MATLAB
1.1 The Golden Ratio
1.2 Fibonacci Numbers
1.3 Fractal Fern
1.4 Magic Squares
1.5 Cryptography
1.6 The 3n+l Sequence
1.7 Floating-Point Arithmetic
1.8 Further Reading
2 Linear Equations
2.1 Solving Linear Systems
2.2 The MATLAB Backslash Operator
2.3 A 3-by-3 Example
2.4 Permutation and Triangular Matrices
2.5 LU Factorization
2.6 Why Is Pivoting Necessary?
2.7 lutx, bslashtx, lugui
2.8 Effect of Roundoff Errors
2.9 Norms and Condition Numbers
2.10 Sparse Matrices and Band Matrices
2.11 PageRank and Markov Chains
2.12 Further Reading
3 Interpolation
3.1 The Interpolating Polynomial
3.2 Piecewise Linear Interpolation
3.3 Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation
3.4 Shape-Preserving Piecewise Cubic
3.5 Cubic Spline
3.6 pchiptx, splinetx
3.7 interpgui
4 Zeros and Roots
4.1 Bisection
4.2 Newton''s Method
4.3 A Perverse Example
4.4 Secant Method
4.5 Inverse Quadratic Interpolation
4.6 Zeroin
4.7 fzerctx
4.8 fzeregui
4.9 Value Finding and Reverse Interpolation
4.10 Optimization and fmintx
5 Least Squares
5.1 Models and Curve Fitting
5.2 Ncrms
5.3 censusgui
5.4 Householder Reflections
5.5 The QR Factorization
5.6 Pseu doinverse
5.7 Rank Deficiency
5.8 Separable Least Squares
5.9 b-hrther Reading
6 Quadrature
6.1 Adaptive Quadrature
6.2 Basic Quadrature Rules
6.3 qusdtx, quadgui
6.4 Specifying Integrands
6.5 Performance
6.6 Integrating Discrete Data
6.7 Further Reading
7 Ordinary Differential Equations
7.1 Integrating Differential Equations
7.2 Systems of Equations
7.3 Lineari2ed Differential Equations
7.4 Single-Step Methods
7.5 The BS23 Algorithm
7.6 ode23tx
7.7 Examples
7.8 Lorenz Attractor
7.9 Stiffness
7.10 Events
7.11 Multistep Methods
7.12 The MATLAB ODE Solvers
7.13 Errors
7.14 Performance
7.15 Further Reading
8 Fourier Analysis
8.1 Touch-Tone Dialing
8.2 Finite Fourier Transform
8.3 fftgui
8.4 Sunspots
8.5 Periodic Time Series
8.6 Fast Finite Fourier Transform
8.7 ffttx
8.8 fftmatrix
8.9 Other Fourier Transforms and Series
8.10 Further Reading
9 Random Numbers
9.1 Pseudorandom Numbers
9.2 Uniform Distribution
9.3 Normal Distribution
9.4 randtx, randntx
9.5 Twister
10 Eigenvalues and Singular Values
10.1 Eigenvalue and Singular Value Decompositions
10.2 A Small Example
10.3 eigshow
10.4 Characteristic Polynomial
10.5 Symmetric and Hermitian Matrices
10.6 Eigenvalue Sensitivity and Accuracy
10.7 Singular Value Sensitivity and Accuracy
10.8 Jordan and Schur Forms
10.9 The QR Algorithm
10.10 eigsvdgui
10.11 Principal Components
10.12 Circle Generator
10.13 Further Reading
11 Partial Differential Equations
11.1 Model Problems
11.2 Finite Difference Methods
11.3 Matrix Representation
11.4 Numerical Stability
11.5 The L-Shaped Membrane



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