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書城自編碼: 2474068
作者: 杨惠中 等编著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787544636681
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
出版日期: 2014-05-01

頁數/字數: 148/213000
書度/開本: 16开

售價:HK$ 109.2



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《 现代化的迷途 》

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HK$ 171.6

HK$ 171.6

HK$ 171.1

HK$ 106.2

HK$ 109.2
Susan Stempleski、杨惠中编著的《视听说教程(附光盘1学生用书第2版)》讲求科学性和系统性;在培养学生英语综合运用能力方面,本教材注重听说训练,强调听、说、读、写、译等诸方面技能协调而全面的发展;在练习设计上,本教材突出实用性、新颖性和可操作性。
1 New Friends, New Faces
 Topic Meeting people; describing people
 Vocabulary Personal information; personal descriptions
 Functions Introducing yourself
 Lesson A Listening Speaking Meeting new people
Vocabulary Link: Online pen pals
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Question intonation review
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B Video Course What does he look like?
Global Viewpoints: Describing yourself and others
City Living: Sun-hee''s favorite cousin
2 Vacation!
 Topic Weather; vacation habits and preferences
 Vocabulary Weather; vacation travel
 Functions Giving advice and suggestions
 Lesson A Listening Speaking How''s the weather?
Vocabulary Link: How''s the weather?
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: should and shoulcln''t
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B Video Course On vacation
Global Viewpoints: The weather
What should I do?
City Living: Another souvenir?
3 All About You
 Topic Pastimes and preferences; persona.lity
 Vocabulary Sports; teams and clubs
 Functions Inviting; accepting and declining invitations
 Lesson A Listening Speaking My favorite pastimes
Vocabulary Link: Teams and clubs
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced to
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B Video Course Sports and pastimes
Global Viewpoints: Sports and pastimes
City Living: I''m very athletic!
4 Change
 Topic Making changes in your life; plans and dreams
 Vocabulary Changing for the better; plans after graduation
 Functions Making and responding to requests
 Lesson A Listening Speaking I heed a change.
Vocabulary Link: I need a change.
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced want to
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B Video Couse Cities and dreams
Global Viewpoints: Making changes
Goals, plans and dreams
City Living: Mike needs a change.
5 Around the World
 Topic Neighborhoods and cities
 Vocabulary Places in the neighborhood; talking about cities
 Functions Asking for and giving directions
 Lesson A Listening Speaking P aces n my city
Vocabulary Link: In the neighborhood
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Sentence stress
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B video Course Cities and towns
Global Viewpoints: In my neighborhood
Cities and towns
City Living: You can''t miss it!
6 Home Sweet Home
 Topic Houses, apartments, rooms, and housing
 Vocabulary Places in a house; student housing
 Functions Showing surprise
 Lesson A Listening Speaking Housing
Vocabulary Link: For rent
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Rising intonation to show surprise
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B Video Course Student housing
Global Viewpoints: Where I live
Student housing
City Living: Welcome to New York!
7 Your Health
 Topic Health and body
 Vocabulary Body parts
 Functions Talking about health problems
 Lesson A Listening Speaking Health and body
Vocabulary Link: Touch your toes!
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced h
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B Video Course Staying health
Global Viewpoints: Health problems
Staying health
City Living: Laughter is the best medicine
8 Jobs and Ambitions
 Topic Professions; job interviews; personalities
 Vocabulary Abilities; personality
 Functions Asking about jobs
 Lesson A Listening Speaking Jobs
Vocabulary Link: What do you do?
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced what do you and what does
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
 Lesson B Video Course My job
Global Viewpoints: My job
People at work
City Living: I can get this job!
Review: Units 1-4 Testing Your Listening Comprehension
Review: Units 5-8 Testing Your Listening Comprehension



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