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『英文書』The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Opera(ISBN=9780521783934)

書城自編碼: 2213041
作者: Mervyn Cooke 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780521783934
出版社: Cambridge University
出版日期: 2005-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 374/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 617.1



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This Companion celebrates the extraordinary riches of the
twentieth-century operatic repertoire in a collection of specially
commissioned essays written by a distinguished team of academics,
critics and practitioners. Beginning with a discussion of the
century''s vital inheritance from late-romantic operatic traditions
in Germany and Italy, the text embraces fresh investigations into
various aspects of the genre in the modern age, with a
comprehensive coverage of the work of individual composers from
Debussy and Schoenberg to John Adams and Harrison Birtwistle.
Traditional stylistic categorizations including symbolism,
expressionism, neo-classicism and minimalism are reassessed from
new critical perspectives, and the distinctive operatic traditions
of Continental and Eastern Europe, Russia and the Soviet Union, the
United Kingdom and United States are subjected to fresh scrutiny.
The volume includes essays devoted to avant-garde music theatre,
operettas and musicals, filmed opera, and ends with a discussion of
the position of the genre in today''s cultural marketplace.
A chronology of twentieth-century opera Nigel Simeone
Part I. Legacies:
1. Opera in transition Arnold Whittall
2. Wagner and beyond John Deathridge
3. Puccini and the Italian tradition Virgilio Bernardoni
Part II. Trends: 4. Words and actions Caroline Harvey
5. Symbolist opera: trials, triumphs, tributaries Philip
6. Expression and construction: the stage works of Schoenberg and
Berg Alan Street
7. Neo-classical opera Christopher Walton
Part III. Topographies:
8. France and the Mediterranean Nigel Simeone
9. Austria and Germany, 1918–-1960 Guido Heldt
10. Eastern Europe Rachel Beckles Willson
11. Russian opera: between modernism and romanticism Marina
12. American opera: innovation and tradition Elise K. Kirk
13. Opera in England: taking the plunge Christopher Mark
Part IV. Directions:
14. Music theatre since the 1960s Robert Adlington
15. Minimalist opera Arved Ashby
16. Opera and film Mervyn Cooke
17. Popular musical theatre and film Stephen Banfield
18. Opera in the marketplace Nicholas Payne
19. Technology and interpretation: aspects of ''modernism'' Tom



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