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『英文書』Snowflake Bentley 雪花人 1999年凯迪克金奖 9780547248295

書城自編碼: 2212184
作者: Jacqueline Briggs Martin 等著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780547248295
出版社: Houghton Mifflin
出版日期: 2009-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 12开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 117.3



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*"There will be so many uses for this book--not the least of
which is simply handing it to children and letting their
imaginations soar like Bentley''s" Booklist, starred review

*"The writing is poetically understated, with an attention to
domestic detail that will attract young readers to this life story
of a gentle eccentric." Bulletin of the Center for Children''s
Books, starred review
"This picture-book biography beautifuly captures the essence of the
life and passion of Wilson A. B
From the time he was a small boy, Wilson Bentley saw snowflakes
as small miracles. And he determined that one day his camera would
capture for others the wonder of the tiny crystal. Bentley''s
enthusiasm for photographing snowflakes was often misunderstood in
his time, but his patience and determination revealed two important
truths: no two snowflakes are alike; and each one is startlingly
beautiful. His story is gracefully told and brought to life in
lovely woodcuts, giving children insight into a soul who had not
only a scientist''s vision and perseverance but a clear passion for
the wonders of nature. "Of all the forms of water the tiny
six-pointed crystals of ice called snow are incomparably the most
beautiful and varied." -- Wilson Bentley. SNOWFLAKE BENTLEY won the
1999 Caldecott Medal.
Jacqueline Briggs Martin is the author of Snowflake Bentley,
winner of the 1999 Caldecott Medal, and The Lamp, the Ice, and the
Boat Called Fish, an ALA Notable Book, a Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book,
Riverbank Review Finalist, Notable Social Studies Trade book and
winner of The Golden Kite Award for Illustration. She grew up on a
farm in Maine much like the one in this story. She lives in Mt.
Vernon, Iowa.



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