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『英文書』TUNNELS BOOK 3: FREEFALL 隧道系列#3:地眼ISBN9780545138772

書城自編碼: 2132151
作者: Roderick
國際書號(ISBN): 9780545138772
出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2010-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 599/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 277.1



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Praise for the Tunnels series "Compelling."-Booklist, starred
review "Exciting."-Kirkus Reviews "Thrilling."-The Columbus
Dispatch "Nonstop action for readers who aren''t afraid of the
dark."-School Library Journal "An amazing world…with astonishing
twists and surprises hiding around every corner."
-www.teenreads.com "Fantastic fun…has a claustrophobia and
griminess all its own….Well paced, exciting, and-in
places-frightening. You have been warned. The danger in the
darkness is very real
DEEPER sent Will and Chester into FREEFALL-- tumbling through
the subterranean Pore with the evil Rebecca twins in hot pursuit,
both toting phials of the lethal Dominion virus. When, where, will
they ever land?! Just when the drop seems infinite, the boys hit
bottom, and find themselves in a realm of near-zero gravity atop a
giant spongy fungus stuffed with artifacts from some lost golden
age. But they are not alone. And above ground, black-clad Styx are
sprouting like poison mushrooms, dead-set on spreading their
Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams recently completed their
second tour of the United States, during which they visited schools
and stores throughout the Midwest to promote the hardcover
publication of Freefall. Visit them at www.tunnelsthebook.com and
follow Roderick on Twitter as RoderickGordon.
From Freefall "That''s far enough!" she ordered. She seized Dr.
Burrows by the arm, bringing him to an abrupt halt, then aimed a
kick that struck him just behind the knee. His leg buckled and he
dropped to the ground. Before he had time to react, she had looped
one arm around his forehead and pressed a scythe to his neck with
the other...



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