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『英文書』My First Bob Books:Pre-Reading Skills

書城自編碼: 2029153
作者: SueHendra
國際書號(ISBN): 9780545019224
出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2008-08-01
版次: 1

書度/開本: 48开 釘裝: 盒装

售價:HK$ 248.2



** 我創建的書架 **

《 家族财富传承 》

售價:HK$ 154.6
谁是窃书之人 日本文坛新锐作家深绿野分著 无限流×悬疑×幻想小说
《 谁是窃书之人 日本文坛新锐作家深绿野分著 无限流×悬疑×幻想小说 》

售價:HK$ 55.8
一个经济杀手的自白 第3版
《 一个经济杀手的自白 第3版 》

售價:HK$ 110.9
《 8秒按压告别疼痛 》

售價:HK$ 87.4
《 津巴多时间心理学:挣脱束缚、改写命运的6种时间观 》

售價:HK$ 77.3
《 大英博物馆东南亚简史 》

售價:HK$ 177.0
《 纯粹·我只要少许 》

售價:HK$ 80.6
《 经济史的趣味(全新增订版)(经济史与思想史丛书) 》

售價:HK$ 84.0




HK$ 248.2
《My First Bob Books: Alphabet 》

HK$ 241.4
《Bob Books: SightWords (First G》

HK$ 241.4
《Bob Books Set 5 - Long Vowels 》

HK$ 241.4
《Bob Books Set 4 - Compound Wor》

HK$ 241.4
《Bob Books Set 3 - Word Famili》

HK$ 241.4
《Bob Books Set 1: Beginning Rea》
Scholastic s award-winning reading program is now available to
pre-readers with the creation of My First Bob BooksTM. Expanding
upon the Bob Books method and philosophy, these brand new sets
offer children and their parents simple and satisfying tools that
lay an important foundation for reading readiness. My First Bob
Books:Alphabet helps children match sounds to letters, letters to
words, and words to a story through the introduction of uppercase
and lowercase letters and initial letter sounds. My First Bob
Books:Pre-Reading Skills uses humorous read-aloud stories to
introduce spatial, relational and sequencing concepts that kids
need in preparation for reading.
LYNN MASLEN KERTELL is an author, a designer, and the daughter
of Bobby and John Maslen, the creators of the BOB Books. Having
spent a lifetime surrounded by the values and humour of the Maslen
family, Lynn is happy to be carrying on the BOB Books tradition of
helping kids love to learn.



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