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『英文書』Fly Guy #06: Hooray For Fly Guy苍蝇小子6ISBN9780545007245

書城自編碼: 1996568
作者: Tedd
國際書號(ISBN): 9780545007245
出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2008-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 30/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 98.6


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《Fly Guy #03: Shoo, Fly Guy!苍蝇小》

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《Fly Guy #10: Fly Guy VS. The F》

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《Super Fly Guy (Level 2)学乐分级读物2》
"Flies can''t play football," says the coach. But Fly Guy and
Buzz are determined to prove him wrong. New readers will experience
both pride and delight as they read the simple text and look at the
funny pictures of Fly Guy trying to kick a football, go out for a
pass, and tackle his friend Buzz. In the end Fly Guy scores and
gets to do his hilarious touchdown dance.
Hooray for Fly Guy!
The first book in the Fly Guy series, Hi! Fly Guy, is a Theodor
Geisel Honor Book
Born in Elmira, New York, Tedd grew up in a family of six with
three brothers. His family lived on a farm in Pennsylvania for
several years then returned to Elmira until Tedd was ten years old.
His father''s work then required that they move to Gainesville,
Florida. There, Tedd''s first art lessons in an abandoned dentist''s
office over the Happy Hour pool hall eventually led to a fine arts
degree from the University of Florida. He and his wife, Carol,
started their family in Tallahassee where Tedd worked as a
commercial illustrator. Carol, a Kindergarten teacher, drew Tedd''s
attention to children''s books. Their first son, Walter, inspired
his breakthrough picture book, No Jumping on the Bed!. His second
son, William, now stars in No More Water in the Tub!, a sequel to
his first book. He has now published more than 30 books as author
and illustrator. When not working on his books, Tedd''s interests
include tennis, sketching, reading, coin collecting, and the



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