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書城自編碼: 1988128
作者: 吴丽君
國際書號(ISBN): 9787301212950
出版社: 北京大学出版社
出版日期: 2012-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 269/408000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 100.3



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Chapter 1 Introduction to Compute
1.1 The history of compute
1.2 Hardware concepts and its development
1.2.1 Hardware concepts
1.2.2 Development of computing hardware
1.3 Development of software
1.3.1 The fit generation
1.3.2 The second generation
1.3.3 The third generation
1.3.4 The fourth generation
1.4 Reading material: Steve Jobs
Chapter 2 Operating Systems
2.1 The history of operating systems
2.2 The operating system functio
2.2.1 Starting up compute
2.2.2 Loading applicatio
2.2.3 Controlling of IO operatio
2.2.4 Memory management
2.2.5 File management
2.2.6 Command interpretation
2.3 Modem operating systems
2.3.1 UNIX
2.3.2 Windows XP
2.3.3 Vista
2.3.4 Linux
2.4 Reading material: Windows 7 now available to all
Chapter 3 Programming Languages.
3.1 Concepts of programming languages
3.2 The history of programming languages
3.3 Components of programming languages
3.3.1 Variables and data types
3.3.2 Cotants and literals
3.3.4 Procedures
3.3.5 Functio
3.4 Reading material: Where C# fits in
Chapter 4 Programming
4.1 The organization of programming languages
4. l. 1 Programming language facto
4.1.2 Programming language abstractio
4.1.3 Computer language types
4.2 The programming statements
4.3 Object-Oriented programming
4.3.1 Object
4.3.2 Class
4.3.3 Inheritances
4.3.4 Encapsulatio
4.3.5 Messages
4.4 Reading material: Java language
Chapter 5 Data Structures and
5.1 Data structures
5.1.i Stacks
5.1.2 Queues
5.1.3 Trees
5.1.4 Array
5.1.5 List
5.2 The concept of an algorithm
5.2.1 The formal definition of an algorithm
5.2.2 The abstract nature of algorithms
5.3 Algorithm representation
5.3.1 Primitives
5.3.2 Pseudo code
5.4 Common algorithms
5.4.1 Recuion
5.4.2 Sorting
5.4.3 Searching
5.5 Reading material: Sorting algorithm
Chapter 6 Software Engineering
6. l The history of software engineering
6.2 Software design fundamentals
6.2.1 Stepwise refinement
6.2.2 Abstraction
6.2.3 Software architecture
6.2.4 Data structure
6.2.5 Program structure and modularity
6.2.6 Software procedure
6.2.7 Information hiding
6.2.8 Design representation
6.3 Traditional design methodology
6.4 Modern design methodologies
6.4.1 Object oriented technology
6.4.2 Prototyping
6.5 Tools of modeling
6.5.1 Dataflow diagram
6.5.2 Data dictionary
6.5.3 Unified modeling language
6.6 Reading material: Software
development process
Chapter 7 Database Systems
7.1 The history of databases
7.2 The concepts of databases
7.2.1 The relational mode
7.2.2 The Structured Query Language SQL
7.2.3 ACID properties
7.3 Database design
7.3.1 The definitio and concepts
7.3.2 Database normalization
7.4 Database warehousing
7.4.1 Dimeional design
7.4.2 Data warehouse design coideratio
7.5 Data mining
7.6 Reading material: Database management
Chapter 8 Networking and the Internet
8.1 The networking fundamentals
8.1.1 Network topology
8.1.2 Interface timing
8.1.3 Line configuration
8.1.4 Data interfaces
8.1.5 Network application paradigms
8.2 The World Wide Web
8.2.1 Web implementation
8.2.2 HTML
8.3 The application of the Internet
8.4 Reading material: Network firewalls
Chapter 9 Computer Graphics and Images
9.1 The fields of computer imagery
9.1.1 Graphics
9.1.2 Image processing
9.1.3 Computer vision
9.2 Steps of image processing operatio
9.3 Graphics software
9.3.1 Desktop publishing
9.3.2 Electronic publishing CD-ROMs and the Internet
9.4 Animation
9.4.1 Flash
9.4.2 3ds Max
9.5 Reading material: Digital photography
Chapter 10 Electronic Commerce
10.1 An introduction to electronic commerce
10.1.1 The difference between traditional business and
10.1.2 The types of E-Commerce
10.1.3 Benefits of E-Commerce
10.2 Electronic payment system
10.2.1 Electronic bank
10.2.2 Electronic funds trafer
10.2.3 Credit cards and smart cards
10.3 E-Commerce security
10.4 Reading material: The criminal incentive
Chapter 11 Artificial Intelligence
11.1 An introduction to artificial intelligence
11.2 The goals of artificial intelligence
11.2.1 Acting humanly
11.2.2 Thinking humanly
11.2.3 Thinking rationally
11.2.4 Acting rationally
11.3 The research subjects of AI
11.3.1 Solutio to hard problems
11.3.2 Automatic tralation
11.3.3 Intelligent control and intelligent management
11.3.4 Intelligent decision-making
11.3.5 Intelligent simulation
11.3.6 Machine learning
11.4 Expert system
11.5 Reading material: Genetic algorithm
Chapter 12 Multimedia
12.1 Elements of Multimedia
12.1.1 Text
12.1.2 Audio sound
12.1.3 Static graphics images
12.1.4 Animation
12.2 Multimedia technologies
12.3 Multimedia networking
12.4 Applicatio of multimedia
12.4.1 Multimedia in business
12.4.2 Multimedia in schools
12.4.3 Multimedia at home
12.4.4 Multimedia in public places
12.4.5 Entertainment
12.4.6 Virtual reality
12.5 Reading material: Microblogging



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