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書城自編碼: 1875757
作者: 《朱镕基答记者问
國際書號(ISBN): 9787010103358
出版社: 人民出版社
出版日期: 2012-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 474/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 292.1



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China''s historic shift- from a nation emerging from the
shadows of decades of diplomatic and economic isolation to a major
player in the world arena - was by no means certain when Zhu Rongji
took the helm as Premier in 1998. Deng Xiaoping''s reform policies,
begun in 1978, had set the nation on the path toward rapid
development and modernization, and opened the
door to international investment and trade. By the late 1990s,
however, this direction was challenged by a host of troubles: an
overheated economy threatening inflation, redundant state-owned
enterprises, creeping corruption, and a gaping disparity between
coastal and inland economies. The harder, more fundamental reforms
needed to solve these problems, were yet to be tackled. It would
take a very committed and strong-minded reformer to bring about
these often politically difficult changes. To usher China into a
new age of international responsibility, it would take a leader who
could communicate especially adroitly and comfortably around the
These traits - and Zhu''s critical role in moving China forward -
are amply evident in this collection of the Premier''s talks and
interviews with foreign journalists.
Originally published in Chinese in 2009, it was the first book to
give such a wide-ranging, front-row view of Zhu at work in
conducting and explaining China''s foreign and economic policies
during his time as Vice Premier of China (1991 to 1998) and then
Premier (1998 to 2003), It also offers readers a glimpse of Zhu''s
forthright character, his feistiness and sense
of humor.
Foreword by Henry A. Kissinger
Publisher''s Preface
List of Photographs and Credits
Vice Premier Zhu Talks with Reporters and Leading World Figures in
Business and Diplomacy
Section One: The Chinese Vice Premier Talks with the Press
1. Talking with Germany''s Handelsblatt about Economic and Trade
Policy (May 6, 1993)
2. BusinessWeek Interviews the Vice Premier about China''s Economic
Plans (January 15, 1994)
3. A Conversation with Bulgaria''s Dumas about China''s Trade
Relations with Eastern Europe (November 9, 1995)
4. Vice Premier Zhu Speaks with Uruguay''s El Observador
Anticipating Premier Zhu''s Official Visit to Uruguay (February 3,
Section Two: Addressing Economic and Business Leaders as Vice
5. China: The Promise of Partnership: A Keynote Speech to the
Advanced Seminar on China''s Economic Development in the
Twenty-first Century (September 22 1997)
Section One: Talking with the Media
6. An Interview with The Wall Street Journal (April 2, 1999)
7. Talking with The Globe and Mail of Canada (April 2, 1999)
8. A Conversation with Jim Lehrer of PBS NewsHour (April 9,
9. Discussing World Affairs with CNN (April 13, 1999)
10. An Interview with Spain''s EFE News Agency: Anticipating a Visit
to China by the Spanish Prime Minister (June 21, 2000)
11. A Sino-Japanese Conversation: Premier Zhu Talks with a Renowned
Japanese Economist and a NHK Newscaster (September 21, 2000)
12. Discussing Sino-Korean Relations: An Interview with the CEO of
Joong Ang Ilbo (September 21, 2000)
13. A Dialogue with the Japanese People Premier Zhu''s Interview
with the Tokyo Broadcasting Station (TBS) (October 14, 2000)
14. A Conversation with the Khabar Agency: Anticipating Premier
Zhu''s Official Visit to Kazakhstan (August 30, 2001)
15. An Interview with The Irish Times: Premier Zhu Talks about His
Forthcoming Visit to Ireland (August 30, 2001)
16. Discussing Sino-Belgian Relations with La Libre Belgique
(September 6, 2001)
17. Briefing German Journalists: An Interview with Three German
Media Groups: German Television''s ARD Fernsehen; Stern Magazine;
and Handelsblatt. (October 22, 2001)
18. Discussing Sino-Russian Relations with Itar-Tass News Agency
(August 21, 2002)
Press Conferences
19. Meeting the Press as the New Premier: Premier Zhu''s Briefing at
the First Session of the Ninth National People''s Congress (March
19, 1998)
20. A Year as Premier: A Press Conference at the Second Session of
the Ninth National People''s Congress (March 15, 1999)
21. China''s Premier Zhu and U.S. President Clinton Meet the Press:
Excerpts from a Joint Press Conference (April 8, 1999)
22. Two Years In: Premier Zhu Meets the Press at the Third Session
of the Ninth National People''s Congress (March 15, 2000)
23. Briefing the Japanese News Media: Premier Zhu Discusses His
Forthcoming Visit to Japan (October 8, 2000)
24. Questions and Answers at a Tokyo Press Conference: Premier Zhu
Talks to Japanese Reporters about the State of Sino-Japanese
Relations (October 16, 2000)
25. Three Years In: Talking with Reporters at the Fourth Session of
the Ninth National People''s Congress (March 15, 2001)
26. (45) Four Years In: A Press Conference at the Fifth Session of
the Ninth National People''s Congress (March 15, 2002)
Around the World with the Hong Kong Press Corps
27. In England: On the Asia-Europe Meeting, the Future of China,
and the Asian Economic Crisis (March 31 to April 1,998)
28. In Washington: The Chinese Premier Visits a Venerable Teacher:
Premier Zhu Talks with Hong Kong Reporters about his Meeting with
Professor Yu-Hsiu Ku (April 9, 1999)
29. In Brussels: On Sino-EU Relations, International Cooperation
over Illegal Immigration, and Security Issues (July 10 to 12,
30. In Tokyo: A Ride on the Maglev: Premier Zhu Talks with
Reporters about Train Transportation (October 16, 2000)
31. In Seoul: On the Financial Crisis, and International
Cooperation in Fighting Crime (October 18 to 22, 2000)
32. In Singapore: On Asian Economic Cooperation (November 23 to 25,
33. In Bangkok: On the Asian Economy, and China''s Great Western
Development (May 19 to 21, 2001)
34. In Brunei: On Cooperation between China and ASEAN, and More
(November 4 to 6, 2001)
35. In India: On Sino-Indian Relations, and the Hong Kong and
Mainland Economies (January 14 to 18, 2002)
36. In Turkey: On Sino-Turkish Economic and Trade Relations (April
15 to 18, 2002)
37. In Cairo: On the Chinese Economy, and Sino-Egyptian Trade
Potential (April 20 to 22, 2002)
38. In Nairobi: On Sino-Kenyan Cooperation, Environmental
Protection and Bilateral Trade with Turkey, Egypt and Kenya (April
24 to 26, 2002)
39. In South Africa: On Sustainable Development, the Effect of
China''s Entry into the WTO, China''s Fiscal Policy, and More (August
31 to September 6, 2002)
40. In Copenhagen: On Asian-European Cooperation, China''s
Investment Environment and Economic Policy (September 23 to 25,
41. In Phnom Penh: On an China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone, and
Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation in Tourism (November 2 to 3,
Section Two: Speaking to World Business and Economic Leaders
42. Addressing Supporters of U.S.-China Friendship and Business:
Premier Zhu''s Talk at a Welcoming Dinner in Washington (April 9,
43. Meeting in Middle America: Premier Zhu''s Talk to U.S. Business
and Political Leaders (April 12, 1999)
44. Talking Trade with the New York Business Community: Premier
Zhu''s Address at the New York Economic Club (April 13, 1999)
45. Sino-American Relations in the Twenty-first Century: Premier
Zhu''s Speech to Students and Faculty at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT) (April 14, 1999)
46. Speaking on Sino-Philippine Relations: Premier Zhu''s Address to
the Philippine Business Community (November 27, 1999)
47. Presenting the "Singapore Lecture": Premier Zhu''s Speech on
"China and Asia in the New Century" (November 30, 1999)
48. Talking about Sino-Italian Relations: Premier Zhu''s Speech to
Italian Industrialists (July 6, 2000)
49. Speaking of Industry and Finance: Premier Zhu''s Talk to the
European Business Community in Belgium (July 11, 2000)
50. Meeting with Irish Business Figures: Premier Zhu''s Speech on
Prospects for Sino-Irish Trade and Cooperation (September 4,
51. Speaking to Business Leaders in Pakistan: Premier Zhu''s Address
on Sino-Pakistani Trade and Cooperation (May 12, 2001)
52. Talking to Russian Business and Technology Leaders (September
10, 2001)
53. Meeting the Turkish Business Community and Friends of China in
Istanbul (April 19, 2002)
54. A Talk with Egyptian Business Leaders about Cooperation and
Trade with China (April 21, 2002)
55. Addressing French Businessmen on Economic Opportunities in
China (September 27, 2002)
Our principal policies and measures have consisted of the
following: First, we strengthened the agricultural sector. The high
industrial growth rates of 1992 and 1993 came at the expense of the
agricultural sector and the interests of the farmers, and the
result was skyrocketing prices for edible grains. During the
three-year period between 1994 and 1996, we twice raised the
government purchase prices for grains and cotton. We also adopted a
series of measures to stabilize produc-tion relationships in
villages, ensure the supply of agricultural inputs such as chemical
fertilizers, and reduce the tax burden of farmers.
These measures had the effect of motivating farmers to produce.
In each of the past two years, edible grain production increased by
more than 20 million tons. This summer we had another bumper grain
crop,so although the autumn harvest may decline due to weather
conditions,grain production for the entire year won''t be much less
than that oflast year, which was an exceptionally good year. The
abundant grain supply has stabilized the price of food, which
accounts for a large share of
household consumption budgets. This was an important reason for
the rapid decline in the rate of price increases.
Second, beginning in the second half of 1993, we restored order
to the financial sector and implemented appropriately tight fiscal
and monetary policies. We were able to restrain excessive increases
in the money supply and the over-expansion of fixed investment.
Compared to 1993, the rate of growth of aggregate fixed investment
in 1996 dropped from 61.8 percent to 18.2 percent and the rate of
growth of the broad money supply (M2) dropped from 37.3 percent to
25.3 percent, thus ensuring the basic equilibrium of the



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