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『英文書』Eric Carle: The Very Quiet Cricket Board Book 非常安静的蟋蟀(卡板书,有蟋蟀发声)9780399226847

書城自編碼: 1850583
作者: Eric
國際書號(ISBN): 9780399226847
出版社: Penguin
出版日期: 1997-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 190.4



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《Eric Carle: Draw Me a Star 给我画》
A cricket is born who cannot talk! A bigger cricket welcomes him
to the world, then a locust, a cicada, and many other insects, but
each time the tiny cricket rubs his wings together in vain: no
sound emerges. In the end, however, he meets another quiet cricket,
and manages to find his "voice." Children will love the repetitive
text as they meet a steady parade of new creatures including a
"spittlebug, slurping in a sea of froth"; and of course they''ll
delight in the happy ending. This is one of a series of large 11.5
by 8.5 inches format Eric Carle books with a mechanical twist: in
this case, the quiet cricket bursts into surprisingly authentic
electronic song as you turn the last page. The battery is
replaceable. An amusement for the ears, but most of all--as ever,
with Carle--a feast for the eyes. The colorful cut-paper
illustrations are simply gorgeous, drawing you in even on the
hundredth reading. And there will be a hundredth reading, followed
by many more. Baby to preschool --Richard Farr --This text
refers to the Hardcover edition.



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