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書城自編碼: 1826810
作者: 陈德彰
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513512916
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2011-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 354/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 135.4



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HK$ 94.4
Chapter 1 Language and Thinking
 1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Definition of language
1.1.2 Characteristics of language
 1.2 Comparison of English and Chinese
1.2.1 Reason for contrastive studies between English and
1.2.2 Apreliminary comparison
Chapter 2 Words and Characters
 2.1 English letters and Chinese characters
 2.2 Development of Chinese characters
 2.3 The relation between Chinese characters and words
 2.4 Motivation of words
 2.5 Meaning of words
 2.6 Word as a unit
Chapter 3 Primal Words and Secondary Words
 3.1 Introduction
 3.2 Formation of secondary words
3.2.1 Combining
3.2.2 Examples of a special type of derivation
3.2.3 Compounding
 3.3 Shortening
3.3.1 Acronym
3.3.2 Blending
3.3.3 Clipping
3.3.4 Shortening of Chinese words
 3.4 Other means of new word formation
3.4.1 Conversion
3.4.2 Borrowing
 3.5 Analogy
Chapter 4 Intonation and Tone
 4.1 Intonation
 4.2 Syllable
 4.3 Sound effect of poems
Chapter 5 Conception and Nomenclature
 5.1 Lexical disparity
 5.2 Lexeme gap
5.2.1 Different motivations behind nomenclature
5.2.2 Different ways of grouping things
5.2.3 Differences among synonyms
5.2.4 Things unique to a culture
 5.3 Semantic gap
5.3.1 Different reference meanings
5.3.2 Different extended meanings
5.3.3 Different directions of meanings
 5.4 Usage Gaps
5.4.1 Transitivity
5.4.2 Differences caused by word formation
5.4.3 Differences caused by flexible usage--conversion
5.4.4 Differences caused by different grammatical meaningsbetween
corresponding words
Chapter 6 Abstraction and Concretion
 6.1 Abstraction and abstract meaning
 6.2 杯 as an example
 6.3 Further abstraction
 6.4 Abstraction and sentence structure
 6.5 Concretization of abstract nouns
Chapter 7 Stativeness and Dynamicity
 7.1 Introduction
 7.2 The verb
7.2.1 Functions of verbs
7.2.2 Classification of verbs
7.2.3 Morphological changes of English verbs
7.2.4 The use of verbs in the sentences
 7.3 Verbalization of nouns
 7.4 Action or motion implied in other parts of speech
7.4.1 The noun
7.4.2 Other parts of speech
 7.5 At the syntactic level
Chapter 8 Overtness and Covertness
 8.1 Markers
 8.2 Parts of speech and their function in the sentence
 8.3 The article
 8.4 Marker of the plural
 8.5 Chinese auxiliaries 的, 地, and 得
8.5.1 的
8.5.2 地
8.5.3 得
 8.6 The passive
 8.7 Punctuation marks
Chapter 9 Rigidity and Flexibility
 9.1 General difference between Chinese and English grammar
 9.2 Definition of the sentence
 9.3 Classification of sentences
9.3.1 Some special Chinese sentence patterns
 9.4 Elements of the sentence
9.4.1 The subject
9.4.2 Relation between the verb and its object
 9.5 Word order
9.5.1 Adverbials
9.5.2 Relative clauses
9.5.3 Inversion
 9.6 Parataxis and hypotaxis
9.6.1 Connectives
Chapter 10 Objectivity and Subjectivity
 10.1 Language and subject
 10.2 Daily usage of the language
 10.3 Subjective and objective standards
 10.4 Depiction of mental activities in English
 10.5 The passive voice
 10.6 Animated and inanimate subjects
 10.7 Different levels of objectivity
Recommended Readings



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