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『英文書』Eating Well When You're Expecting 孕期完全指导: 临产时你应当吃好 9780743275538

書城自編碼: 1789671
作者: Heidi
國際書號(ISBN): 9780743275538
出版社: Simon & Schuster
出版日期: 2006-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 470/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 272.8



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《 风月难扯 》

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《 大学问·法庭上的妇女:晚清民国的婚姻与一夫一妻制 》

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《Dr Seuss Big Book [Bag with 12》
EATING WELL WHEN YOU''RE EXPECTING provides mums-to-be with a
realistic approach to navigating healthily and deliciously through
the nine months of pregnancy - at home, in the office, at
Christmas, in restaurants. Thorough chapters are devoted to
nutrition, weight gain, food safety, the postpartum diet, and how
to eat when trying to conceive again. And the book comes with 150
contemporary, tasty, and healthy recipes that feed mum and baby
well, take little time to prepare, and are gentle on queasy
tummies. At the heart of the book are hundreds of pressing
questions every mother-to-be has: Is it true I shouldn''t eat any
food cooked with alcohol? Will the caffeine in coffee cross into my
baby''s bloodstream? I''m entering my second trimester, and I''m
losing weight, not gaining - help! Is all sushi off limits? How do
I get enough calcium if I''m lactose intolerant? I keep dreaming
about a hot fudge sundae - can I indulge? The answer is yes!
Heidi E. Murkoff is one of the world''s leading experts in
pregnancy and childcare. She is the principle author of all the
titles in the WHAT TO EXPECT series. She lives in Southern
California with her husband Erik and two children.



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