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書城自編碼: 1786569
作者: 张华
國際書號(ISBN): 9787301192757
出版社: 北京大学出版社
出版日期: 2011-08-01
版次: 2 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 210/400000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 85.6



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chapter 1 lexicology and basic concepts of words and vocabulary
1.1 the definition of english lexicology
1.1.1 the domains of english lexicology
1.1.2 methods of study of lexicology
1.2 the definition of word
1.3 the definition of vocabulary
1.4 classification of words
1.4.1 full word and form word
1.4.2 popular word and learned word
1.4.3 abstract word and concrete word
1.4.4 transparent word and opaque word
1.4.5 polysemic word and monosemic word
1.4.6 native word and loan word
chapter 2 the development of the english vocabulary
2.1 the world languages
2.2 language classifications
2.2.1 morphological classification
2.2.2 structural classification
2.3 the indo-european language family
2.4 the historical overview of english vocabulary
2.4.1 old english 450——1150
2.4.2 middle english 1150——1500
2.4.3 modern english 1500——up to now
2.5 three main sources of new words of the present-day english
2.5.1 the rapid development of modern science and technology
2.5.2 social, economic, and political changes
2.5.3 the influence of other cultures and languages
2.6 modes of the development of the english vocabulary
2.6.1 creation
2.6.2 semantic change
2.6.3 borrowing
chapter 3 the structure of english words and word-formation in
3.1 the structure of english words
3.1.1 the morphological structures of words
3.1.2 types of morphemes
3.1.3 root, stem and base
3.2 wordformation in english
3.2.1 affixation
3.2.2 compounding
3.2.3 conversion
3.2.4 blending
3.2.5 clipping
3.2.6 acronymy
3.2.7 back-formation
chapter 4 word meaning
4.1 meaning
4.1.1 analytical referential definitions of meaning
4.1.2 operational contextual definitions of meaning
4.2 meanings of meaning
4.2.1 reference
4.2.2 concept
4.2.3 sense
4.3 types of motivation
4.3.1 onomatopoeic motivation
4.3.2 morphological motivation
4.3.3 semantic motivation
4.3.4 etymological motivation
4.4 types of meaning
4.4.1 grammatical meaning
4.4.2 lexical meaning
4.4.3 conceptual meaning
4.4.4 associative meaning
chapter 5 sense relations
5.1 polysemy
5.1.1 two approaches to polysemy
5.1.2 two processes of development
5.2 homonymy
5.2.1 types of homonyms
5.2.2 origins of homonyms
5.3 synonymy
5.3.1 sources of synonyms
5.3.2 discrimination of synonyms
5.3.3 association and collocation
5.4 antonymy
5.4.1 types of antonyms
5.4.2 characteristics of antonyms and the use of antonyms
5.5 hyponymy
5.5.1 superordinate and snhordinate terms
5.5.2 effect of them in use
chapter 6 changes in word meaning
6.1 can meaning change?
6.2 types'' of changes
6.2.1 extension
6.2.2 narrowing
6.2.3 elevation
6.2.4 degradation
6.3 causes of changes
6.3.1 linguistic factors
6.3.2 extra-linguistic factors
chapter 7 meaning and context
7.1 types of context
7.1.1 linguistic context
7.1.2 extra-linguistic context
7.2 the role of context
7.2.1 elimination of ambiguity
7.2.2 clues for inferring word meaning in context
chapter 8 english dictionaries
8.1 the development of dictionaries
8.1.1 the origins of english dictionaries
8.1.2 the first english dictionaries
8.1.3 modern english dictionaries
8.2 types of dictionaries
8.2.1 linguistic and non-linguistic dictionaries
8.2.2 monolingual and bilingual dictionaries
8.2.3 general-purpose and specific-purpose dictionaries
8.3 using a dictionary
8.3.1 the dictionary entry
8.3.2 spelling
8.3.3 pronunciation
8.3.4 parts of speech and inflected forms of words
8.3.5 labels
8.3.6 the definition
8.3.7 etymology
8.3.8 synonyms
keys to exercises



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