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『英文書』Still Alice 我想念我自己

書城自編碼: 1741826
分類:簡體書→原版英文書→小说 Fiction
作者: Lisa
國際書號(ISBN): 9781439170045
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2011-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 336/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 132.0



** 我創建的書架 **

《 有机农业 》

售價:HK$ 29.5
《 穿搭也有公式:100个不过时的搭配 》

售價:HK$ 47.2
《 不完全契约 》

售價:HK$ 97.9
《 精魂从脚底升起:洛尔迦演讲录 》

售價:HK$ 64.9
《 知脊:脊柱使用说明书 》

售價:HK$ 107.8
《 中国早期民法新论:案例、法规、概念与法律之外 》

售價:HK$ 52.8
《 六星纪元:盟战时代 》

售價:HK$ 85.8
《 明代女真史 》

售價:HK$ 104.5




HK$ 97.8
《The Best of Me》

HK$ 184.1
《Gone Girl: A Novel》

HK$ 102.0
《If I Stay》

HK$ 153.7
《The Fault in Our Stars》

HK$ 172.6
《All the Light We Cannot See》
Alice Howland is a fifty-year-old cognitive psychology
professor at Harvard, and a world-renowned expert in linguistics,
with grown children and a satisfying marriage, when she starts to
experience fleeting forgetfulness and disorientation. She initially
attributes these episodes to normal aging or menopause. But as her
symptoms worsen, she sees a neurologist and is given the diagnosis
that will change her life forever: early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease.
With no cure or treatment, Alice struggles to find meaning and
purpose in her life as her sense of self is gradually stripped
away, leaving her unable to continue in her profession, take care
of herself, recognize her loved ones or even understand that she
has a neurodegenerative disease. Without memory or hope, Alice is
forced to live in the moment, which is in turns beautiful,
terrifying, and maddening. Genova uses the successful, articulate
and independent Alice as the perfect vehicle to capture what it
feels like to literally lose your mind. This novel will touch and
inspire you. You will admire Alice’s strength and resourcefulness
as much as cry over her losses. And it will bring new understanding
for all those affected by this terrible neurological disease.



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