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書城自編碼: 2953814
作者: 张舍茹,顾曰国
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513583336
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2017-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 276/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 97.0



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Note from authors
General introduction
Pre-course Activity
Unit OneUnique Writing Mediums and the Development of Chinese Characters
Unit Two The Origins and Evolution of Woodblock Printing
Unit ThreePrinting Features in the Song Dynasty
Unit Four The Invention of Movable Type and its Application and Development
Unit Five Paper Money of the Song Dynasty
Unit SixMulti-Color Printing in Ancient China
Unit SevenThe Transmission and Development of Movable Type Printing
Unit Eight Printing in Modern Times
PrefaceAmong human beings language is surely the most important and widely used method of communication.The entire range of human complexity, subtlety, ambiguity, anger, concern, confusion, a list toolong to include here, is passed from one human to another through language. We acknowledge andappreciate the other forms of human interaction such as music, art, printing, acting, to name just afew, that are in this category. People who can command language are able to communicate with anotherhuman beings, and we know that when the other forms of communication listed above are combined withhuman language, for example when we combine an artistic piece with a verbal explanation, the impactof the emotional and intellectual exchange is often especially profound.Language helps to make more precise the idea being conveyed. We know that words and meaningsregularly change within cultures and throughout different historical periods. The same can be trueof appreciation for objects of art, the implications of music, the purpose of theatrical acting. Astimes change and socialcultural values and forms alter through the passage of centuries, languageabout art or music or theater allows us to record those changes and to reconstruct the values thatoriginally brought forth the art, music, or theater. In those cases written language has thegreatest potential to allow us to understand the people of different, earlier times.Because human beings are so inventive, there are many, many spoken and written languages in theworld today, as there have been over past times as well. The Chinese language is surely among thesegreat accomplishments of human beings. Its historical, geographic, and cultural influence has beenoverwhelming, and continues to be so today. As Chinas role in the international communitycontinues to expand, the Chinese language will take on even more influence in many corners of theworld. All human beings should respect and celebrate the gifts given to mankind by the Chinesela



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