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書城自編碼: 3806402
作者: [澳]欧文·E.休斯[Owen E. Hughes]
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300307855
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2022-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 101.2



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作为澳大利亚知名公共管理学者欧文?E.休斯教授的代表作品,《公共管理导论(第五版)》一书对公共管理的一些经典问题和当前热点问题进行了介绍, 并对这些问题进行了独到的解答,为想要初步了解公共管理世界的读者提供了一种概括性指南。本书回顾了20世纪80年代以来在全球范围内发生的公共部门变革运动,阐述了这些变革的动力、阶段、措施、问题流弊及发展趋势,并指出,这些变革所确立的新型政府治理典范——公共管理典范已经形成并正在替代传统公共行政典范。作者认为,公共管理典范摒弃了传统公共行政的僵化和教条,形塑了一个更为弹性、灵活的政府组织形态,引入了更为有效和多样化的政府治理工具。因此,这一典范所包含的一系列改革措施在公共管理实践中取得了切实的效果。根据近年来全球范围内公共事务与政府治理变化的新特点,本书第五版进一步强调了公共服务的重要性,以及技术对公共事务治理的影响,新增了“服务提供”一章,对原“电子化政府”一章进行了修订,并将章名改为“用技术来管理”。同时,本书也对其他章节进行了重新撰写、修缮、删并。
欧文?E.休斯(Owen E. Hughes)
第 1 章一个变革的时代 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1
引言 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1
从公共行政到公共管理 ????????????????????????????????
Public management as a field of studyIn addition to being an area of practice, public management is a field of academic discourse, as are public administration, public policy and other related disciplines. A longstanding problem is that there are several sub-groups with their own particular points of view. It is notable how little contact public administration, pub-lic policy and public management academics have with each other (Lynn, 1996; Kettl, 2002). Despite these approaches being innately related to each other and to politics and political science, there are often quite distinct academic followers of each approach, with their own conferences and journals. There are differing views on their relative primacy. Although explained more fully in later chapters, some discussion of terms is warranted here.
Public and private managementOne of the criticisms of managerial reform has been over its deriv-ing theories and techniques from the private sector. This criticism is neither novel nor significant. Historically, the private and public sec-tors have borrowed from each other; from the emulation of military models of bureaucracy by the private sector, to explicit copying by governments of the ways of organizing private railway companies in the nineteenth century. Still, there are several reasons why the two sectors are not alike and can never be so, as set out in Box 1.1.There are major differences between the private and the pub-lic sectors (see also Boyne, 2002). The question is whether these differences between them are, first, enough to need a specific form of management; and, second, to require the use of the traditional administrative model rather than any kind of managerial model. On the first point, it must be argued that the public sector is suf-ficiently different to need its own form of management. Allison (1982) also obser



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