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書城自編碼: 2921511
作者: 周欣奕、高亚妹、徐庆颖、苏玉刚
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302450962
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2016-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 230/372000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 48.0



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本书秉承职业英语课程改革与书建设的DCPEA(Development-Centered in Professional English以职业英语能力发展为中心)理念和6P 模式,进行教学体系重构。即以一家外贸公司为靶公司,按照其主要涉外商务岗位的职业要求和工作过程,设计难易适中的实训任务,通过实战演练, 帮助学生掌握工作要领。本书包括课程先导;公司与产品介绍;客户开发;商务谈判;支付方式;包装、运输和保险;索赔理赔等工作项目。通过语言先导进入工作项目,按照工作流程布置任务并提出任务要求,辅以技能、知识和语言指导,提高学生的国际商务英语实战能力。本书难易适中,语言素材规范,符合实际工作任务。本书具有实用性、职业性、任务性、开放性、仿真性的特点,适用于高职国际贸易、国际商务、商务英语等外贸类专业,也可供有涉外商务往来的相关从业人员使用, 还可以用作中专院校相关专业的外贸英语课程书。
Lead In 课程先导1Unit 1The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter 商务信函写作格式1Seven Necessary Parts七个必要部分1Eight Unnecessary Parts八个非必要部分4Four Layout Styles四种布局风格8Unit 2The International Trade Procedure 国际贸易流程13Import进口14Export出口15
Chapter 1Company and Product Introduction 公司和产品介绍16Unit 1Making a Company Profile 公司简介16Skill Points技能要点16Task 1Read a Company Profile阅读公司简介17Task 2Write a Company Profile撰写公司简介18Task 3Translate the Following Company Profile翻译公司简介18Knowledge Points必备知识要点19Language Points必备语言要点19Reference Guide参考答案19Unit 2Making a Product Description 产品描述20Skill Points技能要点21Task 1Read a Product Description阅读产品描述21Task 2Write a Product Description撰写产品介绍22Task 3Translate the Following Product Description翻译产品介绍22Knowledge Points必备知识要点23Language Points必备语言要点23Reference Guide参考答案25Unit 3Making a Product Catalogue 制作产品目录26Skill Points技能要点27Task 1Read a Product Catalogue阅读产品目录27外贸英语与函电Contents目录Task 2Write a Product Catalogue制作产品目录28Task 3Translate the Following Product Catalogue翻译产品目录28Knowledge Points必备知识要点29Language Points必备语言要点30Reference Guide参考答案30
Chapter 2Customer Development 客户开发32Unit 1Launching an Advertisement 发布广告32Skill Points技能要点32Task 1Read an Advertisement阅读广告33Task 2Write an Advertisement撰写广告34Task 3Translate the Following Advertisement翻译广告34Knowledge Points必备知识要点34Language Points必备语言要点35Reference Guide参考答案35Unit 2Making a First Contact General Enquiry进行首次联系一般性询价36Skill Points技能要点37Task 1Read a General Enquiry阅读一般性询价信函38Task 2Write a General Enquiry撰写一般性询价信函39Task 3Reply to a General Enquiry回复一般性询价信函40Task 4Translate the Following General Enquiry翻译一般性询价信函40Knowledge Points必备知识要点40Language Points必备语言要点41Reference Guide参考答案41Unit 3Making a First Touch Promotion 进行首次接触(推销)44Skill Points技能要点44Task 1Read a Promotion Letter阅读推销信函45Task 2Write a Promotion Letter撰写推销信函46Task 3Reply to a Promotion Letter回复推销信函46Task 4Translate the Following Promotion Letter翻译推销信函46Knowledge Points必备知识要点47Language Points必备语言要点47Reference Guide参考答案48Unit 4Making a Status Enquiry 咨询50Skill Points技能要点51Task 1Read a Status Enquiry阅读咨询信函52Task 2Write a Status Enquiry撰写咨询信函53Task 3Reply to a Status Enquiry回复咨询信函53Task 4Translate the Following Status Enquiry翻译咨询信函54Knowledge Points必备知识要点54Language Points必备语言要点55Reference Guide参考答案55
Chapter 3Business Negotiation Ⅰ 商务谈判(一)58Unit 1Making a Specific Enquiry 具体询价58Skill Points技能要点58Task 1Read a Specific Enquiry阅读具体询价信函59Task 2Write a Specific Enquiry撰写具体询价信函61Task 3Reply to a Specific Enquiry回复具体询价信函61Task 4Translate the Following Specific Enquiry翻译具体询价信函61Knowledge Points必备知识要点62Language Points必备语言要点63Reference Guide参考答案63Unit 2Making a Firm Offer 发实盘66Skill Points技能要点66Task 1Read a Firm Offer阅读实盘67Task 2Write a Firm Offer撰写实盘68Task 3Reply to a Firm OfferAcceptance回复实盘接受69Task 4Reply to a Firm Offer Declining回复实盘拒绝69Task 5Translate the Following Firm Offer翻译实盘69Knowledge Points必备知识要点70Language Points必备语言要点71Reference Guide参考答案72Unit 3Making a Nonfirm Offer 发虚盘75Skill Points技能要点75Task 1Read a Nonfirm Offer阅读虚盘76Task 2Write a Nonfirm Offer撰写虚盘77Task 3Reply to a Nonfirm Offer Acceptance回复虚盘接受78Task 4Reply to a Nonfirm Offer Declining回复虚盘拒绝78Task 5Translate the Following Settlement Letter翻译虚盘78Knowledge Points必备知识要点79Language Points必备语言要点81Reference Guide参考答案81
Chapter 4Business Negotiation Ⅱ 商务谈判(二)86Unit 1Making a Counter Offer 还盘86Skill Points技能要点86Task 1Read a Counter Offer阅读还盘88Task 2Write a Counter Offer撰写还盘89Task 3Reply to a Counter Offer回复还盘90Task 4Translate the Following Counter Offer翻译还盘90Knowledge Points必备知识要点91Language Points必备语言要点91Reference Guide参考答案93Unit 2Making a Countercounter Offer 反还盘95Skill Points技能要点95Task 1Read a Countercounter Offer阅读反还盘97Task 2Write a Countercounter Offer撰写反还盘98Task 3Reply to a Countercounter Offer回复反还盘99Task 4Translate the Following Countercounter Offer翻译反还盘99Knowledge Points必备知识要点100Language Points必备语言要点101Reference Guide参考答案102
Chapter 5Business Negotiation Ⅲ 商务谈判(三)105Unit 1Placing an Order 订购105Skill Points技能要点105Task 1Read an Order阅读定单107Task 2Write an Order撰写定单108Task 3Reply to an Order (Acceptance)回复定单(接受)109Task 4Reply to an Order (Declining)回复定单(拒绝)109Task 5Translate the Following Order翻译定单109Knowledge Points必备知识要点110Language Points必备语言要点111Reference Guide参考答案111Unit 2Accepting,Confirming and Declining 接受、确认和拒绝115Skill Points技能要点116Task 1Read a Letter of Accepting阅读接受信函118Task 2Write a Letter of Confirming撰写确认信函120Task 3Translate the Following Letter of Declining翻译拒绝信函120Knowledge Points必备知识要点121Language Points必备语言要点121Reference Guide参考答案122Unit 3Signing a Contract 签订合同124Skill Points技能要点124Task 1Read a Contract阅读合同125Task 2Write a Contract撰写合同127Task 3Translate the Following Contract翻译合同128Knowledge Points必备知识要点129Language Points必备语言要点129Reference Guide参考答案130
Chapter 6Payment Ⅰ 支付方式(一)134Unit 1Discussing the Terms of Payment 商讨支付条款134Skill Points技能要点134Task 1Read a Letter of Payment阅读支付方式的信函137Task 2Write a Letter of Payment撰写支付方式的信函138Task 3Reply to a Letter of Payment (Acceptance)回复支付方式的信函 (接受)139Task 4Reply to a Letter of Payment (Refusal)回复支付方式的信函(拒绝)139Task 5Translate the Following Letter of Payment翻译支付方式的信函139Knowledge Points必备知识要点139Language Points必备语言要点142Reference Guide参考答案143Unit 2Urging Establishment of LC 催开信用证145Skill Points技能要点146Task 1Read a Letter of Urging Establishment of LC阅读催开信用证信函147Task 2Write a Letter of Urging Establishment of LC撰写催开信用证信函148Task 3Reply to a Letter of Urging Establishment of LC回复催开信用证信函149Task 4Translate the Following Letter of Urging Establishment of LC翻译催开信用证信函149Knowledge Points必备知识要点149Language Points必备语言要点150Reference Guide参考答案151Unit 3Applying for Issuing a LC 申请开立信用证153Skill Points技能要点153Task 1Read a LC阅读信用证154Task 2Fill in a Form of Application for LC填写信用证申请书156Task 3Issue a LC开立信用证158Task 4Translate the Following LC翻译信用证160Knowledge Points必备知识要点161Language Points必备语言要点162Reference Guide参考答案162
Chapter 7Payment Ⅱ 支付方式(二)167Unit 1Amending a LC 修改信用证167Skill Points技能要点167Task 1Read a Letter of Amending阅读修改信用证信函168Task 2Write a Letter of Amending LC撰写修改信用证信函169Task 3Reply to a Letter of Amending回复修改信用证信函171Task 4Translate the Following Letter of Amending翻译修改信用证的信函172Knowledge Points必备知识要点172Language Points必备语言要点173Reference Guide参考答案174Unit 2Extending a LC 信用证展期176Skill Points技能要点176Task 1Read a Letter of Extending LC阅读信用证展期信函178Task 2Write a Letter of Extending LC撰写信用证展期信函179Task 3Accept the Request for Extending LC接受信用证展期要求的信函179Task 4Refuse the Request for Extending LC拒绝信用证展期要求的信函179Task 5Translate the Following Letter of Extending LC翻译信用证展期的信函180Knowledge Points必备知识要点180Language Points必备语言要点181Reference Guide参考答案181Unit 3Issuing a Bill of Exchange 开立汇票184Skill Points技能要点185Task 1Read the Bill of Exchange阅读汇票185Task 2Issue a Bill of Exchange开立汇票186Task 3Translate the Following Bill of Exchange翻译汇票187Knowledge Points必备知识要点187Language Points必备语言要点188Reference Guide参考答案188
Chapter 8Packing, Shipping and Insuring 包装、运输和保险190Unit 1Packing 包装190Skill Points技能要点190Task 1Read a Letter of Packing阅读包装信函191Task 2Write a Letter of Packing撰写包装信函193Task 3Reply to a Packing Letter回复包装信函193Task 4Translate the Following Letter of Packing翻译包装信函193Knowledge Points必备知识要点194Language Points必备语言要点195Reference Guide参考答案196Unit 2Shipping 运输198Skill Points技能要点199Task 1Read a Letter of Shipment阅读装运信函201Task 2Write a Letter of Urging the Shipment撰写催促装运信函202Task 3Reply to a Letter of Urging Shipment回复催促装运信函203Task 4Translate the Following Shipping Advice翻译装船通知203Knowledge Points必备知识要点204Language Points必备语言要点206Reference Guide参考答案206Unit 3Insuring 保险209Skill Points技能要点209Task 1Read a Letter of Insurance阅读保险信函211Task 2Write a Letter of Insurance撰写保险信函212Task 3Reply to a Letter of Insurance回复保险信函212Task 4Translate the Following Insurance Policy翻译保险单212Knowledge Points必备知识要点213Language Points必备语言要点214Reference Guide参考答案215
Chapter 9Claim and Settlement 索赔和理赔218Unit 1Claiming 索赔218Skill Points技能要点218Task 1Read a Letter of Claim阅读索赔信函220Task 2Write a Letter of Claim撰写索赔信函221Task 3Translate the Following Letter of Claim翻译索赔信函221Knowledge Points必备知识要点222Language Points必备语言要点222Reference Guide参考答案223Unit 2Settling a Claim 理赔224Skill Points技能要点224Task 1Read a Letter of Claim Settlement阅读理赔信函226Task 2Write a Letter of Claim Settlement撰写理赔信函227Task 3Translate the Following Letter of Claim Settlement翻译理赔信函228Knowledge Points必备知识要点228Language Points必备语言要点228Reference Guide参考答案229
Bibliography 参考文献231
2013年中国进出口总额达4.16万亿美元,成为世界第一货物贸易大国。国家外贸工作的迅猛发展对外贸人才培养提出了更高的要求。为了适应社会对具有国际化视野的外贸新型人才的需求,高等职业教育必须提升外贸相关专业的核心竞争能力,才能实现高职毕业生的高质量就业和从业。只有创造性地重构高等职业教育中外贸相关专业的教学体系和教学模式,建设以 职业英语能力发展为中心的教材、教学和实践体系,对外贸英语和国际商务英语等载体课程进行全方位改革,才能完成教学内容、教学方法和训练方式的完全转变,从而提高外贸相关专业核心竞争力,真正实现外贸新型人才的培养目标。本教材秉承总主编提出的高职职业英语课程改革与教材建设的DCPEA(DevelopmentCentered in Professional English Analysis,以职业英语能力发展为中心的研究)理念和6P模式,重构教学体系。即以一家外贸公司为靶公司,按照其主要涉外商务岗位(Position)的职业要求(Profession)和工作过程(Procedure),设计难易适中的实训任务(Practice),通过实战演练(Performance), 帮助学生掌握工作要领(Point)。本书包括课程先导;公司与产品介绍;客户开发;商务谈判;支付方式;包装、运输和保险;索赔和理赔这几方面工作项目。通过语言先导进入工作项目,按照工作流程布置任务并提出任务要求,辅以技能、知识和语言指导,提高学生的国际商务英语实战能力。本书内容难易适中,语言素材规范,符合实际工作任务。本教材具有实用性、职业性、任务性、开放性、仿真性的特点,适用于高职国际贸易、国际商务、商务英语等外贸类专业,也可供有涉外商务往来的相关从业人员使用,还可以用作中专院校相关专业的外贸英语课程教材。本教材可以与《外贸英语与函电实训》配套应用于课堂教学和实践教学。本教材主编为周欣奕、高亚妹,副主编为徐庆颖、苏玉刚,由胡扬政教授指导并主审。Chapter 1和Chapter 2由徐庆颖编写;Chapter 3~Chapter 5由高亚妹编写;Lead In和Chapter 6~Chapter 9由周欣奕编写;苏玉刚参与编写Chapter 8和Chapter 9。由衷地感谢北京财贸职业学院国际教育学院潘勇院长、财贸素养部王莉莉副教授、科研处田志英教授以及清华大学出版社的大力支持和帮助。由于编者水平所限,书中难免有不妥之处,敬请指正。

Chapter 3Business Negotiation Ⅰ商务谈判(一)Unit 1Making a Specific Enquiry具体询价After receiving a promotion letter or the reply of a general enquiry, intentional buyers would make specific enquiries for the commodities they have interest in. It is more detailed and definite with questions about prices, terms of payment, quality, types,specifications, quantity, delivery date, time of shipment and aftersales services. Compared with general enquiry whose purpose is mainly to establish business relations, specific enquiry clearly states the intentional buyers needs and requirement. Therefore, the seller is supposed to seize the opportunity and develop the potential client into a real business partner by giving specific reply promptly and professionally. 在收到一般性询价的回复或商家的推销信之后,有意向的买家会对感兴趣的商品进行具体询价。具体询价的内容更加详细、明确,通常包括商品价格、付款方式、质量、型号、规格、数量、交货日期、装船日期、售后服务等方面的问题。与旨在建立商业关系的一般性询价相比,具体询价进一步表明了买家的需求意向,因此卖方需要把握机会,给出及时、具体、专业的回复,把潜在客户开发成生意伙伴。Skill Points技能要点The specific enquiry(具体询价)The first paragraph should be the opening sentence. The typical sentences are as follows:1 We have received, under cover, a detailed price list of light industrial goods available for export.2 Thank you for your detailed catalogue you sent us on 18 May,2015.3 We have received your letter of March 11, 2015 enquiring about the possibilities of selling your Energy Saving Lamp in our market.外贸英语与函电Chapter 3Business Negotiation Ⅰ商务谈判(一)第一段应该是开头语。典型句型如下所示:1 我们已随函收到可供出口的轻工产品的详细价目单。2 感谢贵方于2015年5月18日寄来的详细目录。3 感谢贵方于2015年3月11日来函询问在我方市场销售节能灯的可能性。The second paragraph should be the request for an offer and some specific information of certain commodities. The typical sentences are as follows:1 We are in the market for 10 metric tons First Grade Melon Seeds. Can you make an offer on FOB New York basis,at your earliest convenience?2 Please send us your best quotations on CIF Vancouver basis through email stating payment terms and time of shipment for Children Scooter TYBX123.3 We should be very glad if you would send us your quotation for Mens and Womens Woolen Crochet Gloves delivered on CIF Oslo basis. Shipment would be required within four weeks of order.第二段就某商品进行具体询问,要求报价。典型句型如下所示:1 我方需求10公吨甲级西瓜子,您能尽快报一个纽约港离岸价格吗?2 请用电子邮件告诉我们TYBX123型儿童滑板车的最低温哥华到岸价,并说明支付条件和装运期。3 我方将非常愿意收到有关男款和女款的羊毛钩织手套的CIF奥斯陆到岸价的报价,并要求订货后四周内装运。The third paragraph is the closing sentence, expressing wishes to make the deal and earnings for reply. The typical sentences are as follows:1 If the goods come up to our expectations, we would expect to place regular order.Please give this enquiry your prompt attention.2 If you can let us have a competitive quotation, our business will be built on a stable basis. We await your good news with patience.3 When quoting the price you must take into consideration that we may place regular order for large quantity. We look forward to hearing from you soon.第三段为结束语,表达达成交易的意愿和对回复的期待。典型句型如下所示:1) 如果商品令人满意,我们将长期订货。请及时关注此询价。2) 如果您的报价合理,我们将建立长期稳定的关系。静候佳音。3) 我方需求量大,会长期下大定单,请在报价时予以考虑。盼早日回复。Task 1Read a Specific Enquiry阅读具体询价信函Astor Home Furnishing Trade CO.80 Glentworth St.Tel:44 20 7935 9987
London NW16PG Fax:44 20 7935 9985UK
12 Oct., 2015
Export ManagerXianglong Bamboo Products CO., Ltd.96 Guangming Rd.Longyan 364018FujianChina
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of 10 Oct., 2015.We are interested in the bamboo furniture products in your illustrated catalogue, and will be glad if you send us the quotation on CIF London basis for the Vintage Range of Bamboo Dining TableStyle No.XLBVT1234 and Chairs Style No.XLBVC1235. Please state the earliest date of shipment and term of payment.If your prices are favorable and the delivery date is acceptable, we will place an order for 5,000 sets right away and establish stable business relationship with your company in the future.Your prompt reply to this enquiry will be appreciated. Yours sincerely,Astor Home Furnishing Trade Co. Amy LeBlanc Amy LeBlanc Import ManagerAnswer the Questions回答问题1. How did Astor Home Furnishing Trade Co. get information about the bamboo products?2. Which particular commodity is required for a quotation?3. Is Astor a possible client for Xianglong Bamboo Products Co., Ltd.?Task 2Write a Specific Enquiry撰写具体询价信函Please write a specific enquiry according to the information as follows.You are Kent Mason, the import and export manager of Brillant Import and Export Co., Ltd., and you are writing to Zheng Shiyuan, the sales manager of China Flying Eagle Cereal Trade Co., on 25 Oct., 2015 for the quotations of Red Bean, Mung Bean and White Kidney Bean on CIF Dublin basis. You order would be 100 metric tons for each kind of beans and the goods are required to be packed in gunny bags each containing 50 kilograms.Brilliant Import & Export Co., Ltd.Address: 20 South Hill, Sutton, Dublin 13, IrelandTel:353 021 482 8822Fax:353 021 486 4263
China Flying Eagle Cereal Trade Co.Address: 25Anguo Rd, Daqing 163122,Heilongjiang, ChinaTel:86 0459 784 5123Fax:86 0459 784 5173Task 3Reply to a Specific Enquiry回复具体询价信函You are Zheng Shiyuan, the sales manager of China Flying Eagle Cereal Trade Co., and you are making a prompt reply to Kent Mason on 29 Oct., 2015 after receiving his specific enquiry See Task 2. Your quotations are US$1,000 per metric ton for Red Beans, US$1,200 per metric ton for Mung Beans and US$400 per metric ton for White Kidney Beans.Task 4Translate the Following Specific Enquiry翻译具体询价信函Dear sirs,We are glad to note from your letter of Aug.20, 2015 that you,as exporter of silk textile products,are planning to extend Southeast Asian market. And this is coincident with our wish.From the description in your catalogue we notice that your silk garments and accessories are of high quality with exquisite design. We would be appreciated if youwouldsendusyour
best offer for the Silk Scarf in both sizes190cm190cm and 160cm160cm delivered on CIF Singapore basis. Shall the prices be reasonable, we would like place an order of 20,000 pieces for a trial.Please give this enquiry your prompt attention. Yours sincerely,Knowledge Points必备知识要点1. CIF=Cost, Insurance and Freight CIF=成本、保险费加运费It is also called landed price meaning a seller is responsible to bear all the cost, freight and insurance up to the named port of destination, e.g.: CIF Hongkong and CIF Paris. According to the Incoterms 2010, if CIF is adopted in a transaction, seller has the obligations to:CIF又称到岸价格,即卖方的商品价格包括所有商品成本、直至指定目的港的运输和保险费用, 例如香港到岸价和巴黎到岸价。根据2010年国际贸易术语解释通则,如果交易中采用了CIF价格,卖方需要负责:1 Charter a liner and load the goods within the stipulated time limits of the contract. 租船或订舱,并在合同规定时间内将商品装船。2 Contract for insurance and pay the premium. 办理保险并支付保险费用。3 Clear the goods for export.办理出口手续。Note: 注意:1 Once the seller presents a full set of documents in conformity with the contract, his duty of delivery is fulfilled and the buyer shall make the payment, even if the goods are lost or damaged during the transit.一旦卖方提供符合合同的全套单据,其交货义务即履行完毕。即使货物在运输途中丢失或遭受损坏,买方也必须支付货款。2 CIF only requires the seller to obtain insurance for minimum coverage. If the buyer needs greater insurance, he needs to negotiate with the seller and add it in the contract.CIF只要求卖方投保最低额度的保险。如果买方需要更高险别,需与卖方商议,并明确写入合同。3 CIF can only be used for ocean shipping and inland waterway shipping.CIF只适用于海运或内陆水运。2. Other useful trade terms: 其他常用的贸易术语有:FOB: Free on Board 船上交货价格, 离岸价格CFR: Cost and Freight 成本加运费



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