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『英文書』Clifford`s Spring Cleanup大红狗春季大扫除 ISBN9780590060127

書城自編碼: 2211274
作者: Norman Bridwell 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780590060127
出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 1997-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 20开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 56.1



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An all-new Clifford adventure finds the big red dog hard at work
getting the house clean, or trying to, as he shakes to pieces Emily
Elizabeth''s rugs and digs up weeds at a vacant lot for Earth
There''s no denying that kids love Clifford. The Big Red Dog has
been a favorite since Norman Bridwell created him over 40 years
ago. "I was working as a commercial artist in New York City. There
wasn''t much work, so I made some sample pictures and took them to
several publishers. They all rejected my work. But one editor
suggested that I try writing a book of my own to illustrate. I had
done a painting of a little girl with a big red dog. That seemed
like a funny idea, so I made up a story about them. I increased the
dog''s size from as big as a horse to as big as a house. My wife
named the dog Clifford, and we named the little girl Emily
Elizabeth after our daughter. In three days I had written the story
and drawn the pictures for Clifford The Big Red Dog. When
Scholastic called and said they wanted the book, I was stunned."
Bridwell, who grew up in Kokomo, Indiana, lives now on Martha''s
Vineyard, Massachusetts, with his wife, Norma. For more information
about Norman Bridwell, visit: scholastic.comtradebooks



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