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『英文書』MOMMY WARS(ISBN=9780812974485)

書城自編碼: 1921851
分類:簡體書→原版英文書→家庭与育儿 Parenting & Fa
作者: Leslie
國際書號(ISBN): 9780812974485
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2007-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 344/
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 234.6



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With motherhood comes one of the toughest decisions of a
woman’s life: Stay at home or pursue a career? The dilemma not only
divides mothers into hostile, defensive camps but pits individual
mothers against themselves. Leslie Morgan Steiner has been there.
As an executive at The Washington Post, a writer, and mother of
three, she has lived and breathed every side of the “mommy wars.”
Rather than just watch the battles rage, Steiner decided to do
something about it. She commissioned twenty-six outspoken mothers
to write about their lives, their families, and the choices that
have worked for them. The result is a frank, surprising, and
utterly refreshing look at American motherhood.
Ranging in age from twenty-five to seventy-two and scattered across
the country from New Hampshire to California, these mothers reflect
the full spectrum of lifestyle choices. Women who have been home
with the kids from day one, moms who shuttle from full-time office
jobs to part-time at-home work, hard-driving executives who put in
seventy-hour-plus weeks: they all get a turn. The one thing these
women have in common, aside from having kids, is that they’re all
terrific writers.
Pulitzer Prize winner Jane Smiley vividly recounts how her
generation stormed the American workplace–only to take refuge at
home when the workplace drove them out. Lizzie McGuire creator
Terri Minsky describes what it felt like to hear her kids scream “I
hope you never come back!” when she flew to L.A. to launch the show
that made her career. Susan Cheever, novelist, biographer, and New
York Newsday columnist, reports on the furious battles between the
stroller pushers and the briefcase bearers on the streets of
Manhattan. Lois R. Shea traded the journalistic fast track for a
house in the country where she could raise her daughter in peace.
Ann Misiaszek Sarnoff, chief operating officer of the Women’s
National Basketball Association, argues fiercely that you can
combine ambition and motherhood–and have a blast in the
Candid, engaging, by turns unflinchingly honest and painfully
funny, the essays collected here offer an astonishingly intimate
portrait of the state of motherhood today. Mommy Wars is a
book by and for and about the real experts on motherhood and hard
work: the women at home, in the office, on the job every day of
their lives.
From the Hardcover edition.
Leslie Morgan Steiner, is an executive with The Washington Post,
and has three children under the age of ten. In addition to writing
for the Post, she has contributed regularly to national
publications including Money, Seventeen, Mademoiselle, and New
England Monthly.
From the Hardcover edition.



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