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『英文書』BOOM! (LPTP)(ISBN=9780739326824)

書城自編碼: 1921216
作者: TomBrokaw
國際書號(ISBN): 9780739326824
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2007-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 863/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 425.0



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In The Greatest Generation, his landmark bestseller, Tom
Brokaw eloquently evoked for America what it meant to come of age
during the Great Depression and the Second World War. Now, in
Boom!, one of America’s premier journalists gives us an epic
portrait of another defining era in America as he brings to life
the tumultuous Sixties, a fault line in American history. The
voices and stories of both famous people and ordinary citizens come
together as Brokaw takes us on a memorable journey through a
remarkable time, exploring how individual lives and the national
mindset were affected by a controversial era and showing how the
aftershocks of the Sixties continue to resound in our lives today.
In the reflections of a generation, Brokaw also discovers lessons
that might guide us in the years ahead.
Boom! One minute it was Ike and the man in the grey flannel suit,
and the next minute it was time to “turn on, tune in, drop out.”
While Americans were walking on the moon, Americans were dying in
Vietnam. Nothing was beyond question, and there were far fewer
answers than before.
Published as the fortieth anniversary of 1968 approaches, Boom!
gives us what Brokaw sees as a virtual reunion of some members of
“the class of ’68,” offering wise and moving reflections and frank
personal remembrances about people’s lives during a time of high
ideals and profound social, political, and individual change. What
were the gains, what were the losses? Who were the winners, who
were the losers? As they look back decades later, what do members
of the Sixties generation think really mattered in that tumultuous
time, and what will have meaning going forward?
Race, war, politics, feminism, popular culture, and music are all
explored here, and we learn from a wide range of people about their
lives. Tom Brokaw explores how members of this generation have gone
on to bring activism and a Sixties mindset into individual
entrepreneurship today. We hear stories of how this formative
decade has led to a recalibrated perspective–on business, the
environment, politics, family, our national existence.
Remarkable in its insights, profoundly moving, wonderfully
written and reported, this revealing portrait of a generation and
of an era, and of the impact of the 1960s on our lives today, lets
us be present at this reunion ourselves, and join in these frank
conversations about America then, now, and tomorrow.
From the Hardcover edition.



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