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『英文書』Magic Tree House #16: Hour of the Olympics 神奇树屋16:奥林匹克时光 9780679890621

書城自編碼: 1853230
作者: Mary
國際書號(ISBN): 9780679890621
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 1998-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 70/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 73.1



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Publisher Comments:
 Jack and Annie are off on another adventure! This time they
are sent to ancient Greece, where a very important event is taking
place. Join them as they race against time and witness the very
first Olympic games!
 About the Author
 Mary Pope Osborne grew up in the military, and by the time
she was fifteen had lived in Oklahoma, Austria, Florida and four
different army posts in Virginia and North Carolina. After
graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in
the early 1970''s, Mary traveled all over Europe, and spent the
first six weeks of her trip living in a cave on the island of
Crete. She then joined up with a group of European young people and
traveled in rickety vans through sixteen Asian countries, including
Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal. She was a
bartender, an acting teacher, a waitress, a travel agent, a window
dresser, and a medical assistant — all before becoming an author!
Now she is the author of many highly acclaimed picture books, early
chapter books, middle-grade biographies, and young adult novels. In
February 1993, Mary was elected the 27th president of the Author''s
Guild, the oldest, most established organization for writers in the
United States.
 Mary her husband Will spilt their time between an apartment
in Greenwich Village, New York and a cabin in Pennsylvania. They
own a terrier named Bailey, who sleeps on the top of Mary''s desk
every day while she writes!
 Book Dimension
 Height mm 193 Width mm 130
Mary Pope Osborne grew up in the military, and by the time she
was fifteen had lived in Oklahoma, Austria, Florida and four
different army posts in Virginia and North Carolina. After
graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in
the early 1970''s, Mary traveled all over Europe, and spent the
first six weeks of her trip living in a cave on the island of
Crete. She then joined up with a group of European young people and
traveled in rickety vans through sixteen Asian countries, including
Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal. She was a
bartender, an acting teacher, a waitress, a travel agent, a window
dresser, and a medical assistant -- all before becoming an author!
Now she is the author of many highly acclaimed picture books, early
chapter books, middle-grade biographies, and young adult novels. In
February 1993, Mary was elected the 27th president of the Author''s
Guild, the oldest, most established organization for writers in the
United States.
 Mary and her husband Will spilt their time between an
apartment in Greenwich Village, New York and a cabin in
Pennsylvania. They own a terrier named Bailey, who sleeps on the
top of Mary''s desk every day while she writes!



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